His Artists Were Selling Arms, And Boss Yang Went Abroad Overnight

Chapter 80: The Shaluotuo Kingdom Unveiled Its Martial Arts Intercontinental Missile, And The S3 Sea

“We’ll talk about this later.

"Let's get down to business now."

“If you don’t do this well, nothing will happen!”

Lu Zimu said directly.

Not just a beautiful princess.

He won't let him forget today's business.

The Taketoku intercontinental ballistic missile is the most important thing today, and everything else must be arranged later.


Xavier nodded immediately.

Then, she stood behind him obediently.

She seems to have entered the role and started acting as his "maid"?

For being so well-behaved.

Lu Zimu was also very satisfied.

If this princess was spoiled and bossy, then he wouldn't want her.

The good thing is.

Xavier's character is great.

She is also very sensible and knows what she should do.

From this, Lu Zimu would be willing to keep her by his side.

It can be a princess.

But there must be no princess disease.

Now it seems that Xavier does not have princess disease.

"Mr. Lu."

"Please arrange it."

"You can leave anything to me!"

Ibutisamu said immediately.

As soon as I heard about intercontinental ballistic missiles, my whole body became energetic.

This intercontinental ballistic missile is indeed the most important thing at the moment.

As long as it can be successful.

The royal family of King Shalutuo will agree to anything.

But if it fails, it will be hard to say anything.

not to mention.

Testing of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Generally, many countries around the world will oppose it.

If this test fails, it will be difficult to have another test opportunity.

This is not a matter of money.

Even if you can afford the money, you can't find a second chance to test it.

Because then the whole world will be staring at the Sand Camel Kingdom.

It is definitely difficult to have the opportunity to secretly test intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Therefore, this "613" test is crucial.

Only success is allowed and failure is not allowed.

Once you fail, there is basically no second chance.

Lu Zimu can also cooperate with other countries.

But it is basically impossible for the Sand Camel Country to have such an opportunity, and the United States will directly stare at it.

It is self-evident how important this experiment is.

"You decide the location."

"Then have you cleared the area? This explosion will be extremely powerful."

"Even if I have reduced some of the yield, the explosion range will still be shocking. If an accident occurs, I will not be responsible!"

Lu Zimu spoke directly.

The shooting location this time was arranged by the Shaluotuo Kingdom.

The latter designates the venue.

Also responsible for cleaning and looking after the grounds.

If anyone was inside, there would be absolutely no way to survive.

It was vaporized on the spot, and even the body could not be found.

"We have cleared the area."

"A warning zone has also been set up around it."

"If there are still people running in to seek death, let them try the power of this nuclear weapon!"

Ibutisamu said directly.

He doesn't care much about the lives of ordinary people.

Besides, since the other party is going to die on his own, he won't even care.

And as a prince.

He doesn't care about his own people.

As an outsider, there was no need to care about Lu Zimu.

Anyway, he has warned him in advance, and what happens next has nothing to do with him.


"We're ready to start now."

"You can also proceed as planned!"

Lu Zimu reminded.

The so-called original plan was to make the Shaluotuo Kingdom official.

at this time.

There is nothing other countries can do to stop it.

As long as he presses the start button, the Taketoku intercontinental missile will be launched instantly.

If you want to intercept it then, it will be impossible to intercept it.

This time.

The Shaluotuo Kingdom can be officially announced at this time.

Only then can all countries in the world know about this nuclear weapons test.

Only know.

Only then can it have a deterrent effect.

The Sand Camel Country spent two billion US dollars.

One billion US dollars of it was spent in this name.

As for the other billion dollars, it was just to buy two fake intercontinental missiles.

After spending a billion dollars.

This makes Shaluotuo Kingdom naturally want to publicize it with great fanfare.

Only if more countries know about it, the money will be more valuable.

Without knowledge, there is no deterrence.

And if these countries see the power of nuclear weapons testing, they will naturally be afraid of the sand camel country.

Upon hearing this.

Ibutisamu did not hesitate.

He immediately notified the king of Shalutuo Kingdom so that he could make the matter public now.

The royal family of the Sand Camel King.

Reporters from numerous news media have already gathered.

They were invited by the royal family and were waiting here specifically for interviews.


They were only notified.

But I don’t know why the royal family held this press conference.

No reporter knew the reason for this press conference in advance.

I just probably already guessed it.

This press conference must be related to the widely circulated intercontinental missiles.

Maybe the royal family of King Shah Camel wants to officially announce this.

Therefore, this made all the reporters on the scene very anxious and wanted to know whether this matter was true or false as soon as possible.

You must know that the intelligence agencies of various countries have been investigating for so long, but they have not come up with a result.

The more mysterious it is.

The more they want to know the truth.

And at this time.

The king of the Sand Camel Kingdom finally appeared.

Even though the king was trying his best to pretend to be serious, he could hardly hide the smile on his lips.

Everyone could see that he was in a very good mood, so happy that he couldn't help but laugh out loud.


"I brought you here today just to announce something."

"That is the intercontinental ballistic missile test of our Saudi Arabia. There have been various rumors before."

The king said directly: "But now I want to officially prove that our Saudi Arabia is indeed going to conduct an intercontinental ballistic missile test!"

As soon as these words came out.

The scene was in an uproar.

They did not expect that the Sand Camel Country would actually manufacture intercontinental missiles.

This news can be described as extremely sensational.

but now.

Everyone wants to know.

What stage has this intercontinental ballistic missile test reached?

It's just the beginning, but it's already coming to an end.

If it's the former.

Then there's nothing remarkable about it.

Most plans that have just started will fail.

After all, the Shaluotuo Kingdom has announced many major plans before, but they all ended in vain.

Not all the world is like Dragon Kingdom.

Every time a strategic plan is announced, it succeeds.

The strategic plans of most countries usually end in failure. This is the majority.


If Saudi Arabia announces the launch of a nuclear weapons program.

Then this plan is basically impossible to succeed, and the United States will come out to stop it.

This isn't really big news, it's just a waste of part of the budget.

But if this plan has come to an end.

Then this is the big news that can shock the whole world, and it is also the truth that all countries want to investigate.

"I can tell you for sure."

"The Saudi Arabian nuclear weapons test has begun."

"Today, we will launch an intercontinental ballistic missile named Wude. You can pay attention to the launch process. The specific location and time will be announced!"

Under everyone's speculation.

The king of Sand Camel Kingdom spoke again.

And this time he couldn't suppress his smile at all.

When he finished speaking, he burst into laughter.

This kind of thing.

It is indeed worth laughing and celebrating.

For any country, being able to test intercontinental ballistic missiles will be a great event worth being very happy about.

Not to mention the Shaluotuo Kingdom.

With intercontinental ballistic missiles, we can feel proud from now on.


The scene immediately exploded.

This news was like a bolt from the blue.

Everyone was so shocked that they were speechless and didn't even know how to ask questions.

"Oh my God, does Saudi Arabia really have nuclear weapons?"

"Intercontinental ballistic missiles should be directly equipped with nuclear warheads, right? Will Saudi Arabia become the eighth country to possess intercontinental ballistic missiles?"

"We will launch today. This speed is too fast. Why is there no news at all before!"

"The king is not joking. How come the Sand Camel Kingdom suddenly has intercontinental missiles? This is too sudden!"

"Intelligence agencies around the world are going to collapse. They have been investigating for so long and still haven't found out this information!"

"Shaluotuo Kingdom is a divine general descended from heaven. Why does it feel like he has become so powerful all of a sudden? This world feels so strange to me!"

Upon hearing the king's words.

Everyone's reaction was quite wonderful.

None of them believe in the existence of intercontinental ballistic missiles, let alone a direct launch test today.

I thought it was just a plan that hadn't started yet.

Unexpectedly, this plan has already reached the final step.

Sand camel country.

They actually developed intercontinental missiles without any fanfare.

Does the United States know about this, or is it supported by the United States?

If it weren't for the support of the United States.

How did the Shaluotuo Kingdom do this?

these questions.

Let everyone be puzzled.

However, reporters from various countries also spread the news as soon as possible.

For such big news, you must let your country know about it as soon as possible so that you can respond accordingly.

"King, may I ask where Shabu's technology comes from?"

"May I ask, King, with which country was the Sand Camel Kingdom jointly developed this intercontinental missile?"

"Why is this intercontinental missile called Wude? Does this have anything to do with the Dragon Kingdom? Is it the technology provided by the Dragon Kingdom?"

"Will the Taketoku intercontinental missile carry a nuclear warhead? How much yield can it achieve?"

"King, when did this nuclear weapons program start?"

After the reporter reacted.

The problems on site are one after another.

They are so eager to know these answers and want to get answers.

"No comment."

"If you are interested, you can follow our official website...

"Later, we will officially disclose the detailed information, you can check it out slowly!"

The king refused to answer these questions.

Mainly because he doesn't know the answers to these questions either.

the most important is.

The more answers to these questions, the easier it will be to expose more problems.

Then it would be easy to cheat on this matter.


This prompted the king to simply refuse to answer.

Afterwards, he ended the press conference directly.

But although the press conference has ended, it does not mean that this matter is over.

Quite the opposite.

The turmoil over this matter has also intensified.


"Sand Kingdom really has intercontinental ballistic missiles?"

"Moreover, it is preparing for a test launch today. Where did this come from?"

The U.S. Intelligence Agency is crazy.

All the intelligence officers were busy.

They only know such important information now.

Moreover, they only found out through interviews with reporters that this was the most serious dereliction of duty.

Such a large military project.

There is still no clue as to how the Shaluotuo Kingdom came to be.

This is undoubtedly the worst.

"It must be the Dragon Kingdom."

"The technology of Shaluotuo Kingdom is provided by Dragon Kingdom."

"In fact, what Longguo provides is not technology, but complete intercontinental missiles, so that it can achieve this level!"

American intelligence agents.

The first suspicion came to Long Guo.

Only the Dragon Kingdom has the ability to help other countries achieve this.

"The Sand Camel Kingdom is about to conduct an experiment."

"But at the moment, we don't know where the technology came from."

"We suspect that it is most likely provided by the United States, and it should do this just to target us!"

Long Guo Guoan.

Several senior executives also had this idea.

The Sand Camel Kingdom is in Asia.

If it had nuclear weapons.

The threat to the Dragon Kingdom is definitely greater than that to the United States.

Of course, if it is an intercontinental ballistic missile, then all beings are equal.

But no matter what.

They all suspected that the United States was behind the scenes.

Without the support of the United States, how could Saudi Arabia secretly manufacture intercontinental missiles?

After the official announcement of the Shaluotuo Kingdom.

Both Longguo and America became suspicious of each other.

Because they think the other party is the most likely to do so.

Most of the reactions from other countries are the same.

Everyone was shocked by this kind of thing, but also confused and envious.

These countries can't figure it out at all.

How did the Shaluotuo Kingdom achieve this step?

Under the surveillance of the United States, it can suddenly surpass intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Not to mention envy.

Once the test is successful, Saudi Arabia will become the eighth country to possess intercontinental ballistic missiles.

There are only seven countries in the world that have it.

Moreover, only the Dragon Kingdom, the United States, the Furry Bear Kingdom, and the Gallic Chicken have achieved the nuclear trinity.

And now.

Once the sand camel country succeeds in its experiment.

It will become a nuclear power after the four major powers.

How can these countries not be extremely envious of this kind of thing?

Especially in these small countries, even their eyes are red, and they wish they could grab 1.5.

"Damn it, have you read the news? Does Sand Camel Country really have intercontinental missiles?"

"Now that the Shalutuo Kingdom has even developed intercontinental missiles, it seems that the world is about to enter the $3 season!"

"Wait a minute, the intercontinental missile of the Shaluotuo Kingdom is called Wude? Why does this name sound very Dragon Kingdom style? It can't really be related to the Dragon Kingdom!"

"How can it be related to the Dragon Kingdom? It's just the Shaluotuo Kingdom that saw the big stick during the scan!"

"Hahaha, but the intercontinental missiles of the Sand Camel Kingdom this time are indeed the same as those picked up in the desert. There was no news at all beforehand!"

"The secrecy work of the Shaluotuo Kingdom is so perverted. The intelligence work of so many countries has been in vain!"

“I wonder if the Sandluotuo Country’s experiment is successful, whether it will affect the new pattern of the world!”

After the king's announcement.

The whole world soon learned about this news.

Not only the intelligence agencies knew about it, but ordinary people also saw the news.

For the sand camel country.

It was meant to be known to the world.

Therefore, they have spared no effort in publicity.

All netizens around the world are discussing this matter.

It is hard for everyone to believe it, but they have to believe it.


The name of the sand camel country's intercontinental missile.

This made more people suspect that Long Guo was responsible.

They all believed that the intercontinental missiles were provided by Longguo, or at least related technologies.

Mainly because of the name Wude.

It makes many people sound like they are related to the Dragon Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom hopes to promote martial ethics, and even more likes to convince people with virtue.

The Shaluotuo Kingdom does not have this kind of culture, so it should not be named this.

through this name.

It reminded them even more of the Dragon Kingdom.

They even felt that the intercontinental missiles provided by Longguo were actually prepared for the main battle.

Its purpose is to draw the Shaluotuo Kingdom into its circle of allies. The third war is now over.

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