His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1015: Everything returned to the origin (15)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The anger in Rong Mo's heart was instantly ignited.

She thought of her father and mother, and her heart was sore and aching. She sneered at Su Ya and wanted to know more: "You? Who else? Your brother, your parents, your family? Right!"

Su Yatan smiled openly: "No way, who made my father not the grandson's biological son?"

Rong Mo sneered: "What does it mean that there is no way, even if it is not your own one, can't you live without the Su family? You have hands and feet, you can be self-reliant, you can live better, you are not There is no way, but the desire to attack! "

"Then you don't !!!! Since you feel that the Su family is unnecessary, why do you still want to recognize Master Su?" Su Ya drank a little, with angrily anger.

Rong Mo was speechless.

That was their dear grandfather. Even if he was not surnamed Su, he was just an ordinary old man, and he had to recognize it because it was grandpa.

But she didn't want to argue with her.

She said coldly: "You killed my parents and made me think it was because of me and I jumped off the building with guilt, but I should not know that you did this because of your life experience, but why you still refuse to let me be a vegetative me . "

"Why? Because of your sister!" Speaking of time, Su Ya gritted her teeth.

"We saved her life and she should not have appeared in our lives again, but she was married to Lu Yanchen. If one day you wake up, tell her about the events of the year and tell her 1501, I am not sure Will she doubt the car accident that year? Furthermore, she marries into the Lu family and enters this circle. As for her appearance, sooner or later she will attract the attention of the Su family. Sure enough, she and Chihiro have made friends. I How can it be allowed. "

After lingering in her heart for a long time, she let her spit it out.

"You are a vegetative because of Yang Sitong, and Yang Sitong is doing this because of Lu Yanchen. If time did not save Lu Yanchen, then you would not become a vegetative and your parents would not die. If you disappear, time cares about your sister Naturally, it is impossible to be at ease with Lu Yanchen, she will definitely be separated from Lu Yanchen, far away from Lu Yanchen, because it is Lu Yanchen that caused all the troubles, but I overestimated your position in the heart of time, even if you disappear , Gone, even if she knew that Lu Yanchen had harmed you and harmed your family, she still married and conceived with Lu Yanchen in conscience and had children. "

Then she laughed, her face slightly twisted and horrified, and said happily, "Look, everyone is selfish, so is your sister's time. After enjoying the good life that Lu Yanchen can have, she is unwilling to Back to the hard life of the past !!! "

"My sister is not the same as you? There is no contrast between the two of you. Even if she continues to be with Lu Yanchen, it is not because of the beautiful life that Lu Yanchen has brought her!" Rong Mo said with a faint smile.

But that smile was all mockery.

Su Ya looked at her coldly, her eyes grim and cold.

A moment later, her tense heart and complexion suddenly relaxed a little, "Is that so I'd like to see, if you and Lu Yanchen, she can only choose one and see who she will choose?"

Then she looked at Chang Xiaoyang over there, "Xiao Yang, is your medicine ready?"


PS: Good night, see you tomorrow, sell Meng for monthly tickets ~~

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