His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1019: Everything returned to its origin (19)

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A fierce brake sound cut through the night sky. Why couldn't I stop the car? I turned around on a road with light snow and ice, and finally completely lost my balance and hit the side railing. I fell directly under the road **** and hit the **** again. Under the heavy trunk, the windshield in front was smashed, making a loud impact.

The sky turned round, the sound of a violent impact, the sound of glass shattering, and the screams of Yan Zi's pain, mixed together to make a loud noise.

After the loud noise, everything was calm again.

Yan Zi's body was turning upside down in the car, her severe pain was stimulating, and she even lost her consciousness intermittently.

When she felt any more, she was strangled by the seat belt, the airbag popped up and pressed against her body, and could not move tightly.

She looked ahead, and for a moment was dark before her eyes, until a trace of warm liquid slipped down from the top of her head, she saw a trace of scarlet ... and then through the red, saw a car on the road above He stopped.

Su Ya and Chang Xiaoyang stepped down from the car.

The two of them did not expect that Yan Zi would just roll over.

Su Ya was sneer, proud, and even a little happy.

And Chang Xiaoyang's expression was very complicated, with thousands of delicate expressions on his face. Finally, when he saw that there was no Rong Mo in the car, when he realized that Rong Mo had not suffered the accident, his The expression on his face was a relief.

At this time, the sound of a car came from behind.

He turned and looked at Su Ya: "This place can't stay long, and their car accident has nothing to do with us, let's go !!!"

Su Ya actually wanted to determine if they were dead.

But Chang Xiaoyang was right.

The car accident must not be reminiscent of them, so they took a ride with Chang Xiaoyang and left quickly! !!

Yan Zi looked at them, her eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

In addition to the pain of the body is pain, I want to talk, I want to move, I want to call the mobile phone to the police.

But she could bear the severe pain in her whole body, but there was nothing she could do to reach her mobile phone.

She is actually a very painful person, but at this moment, after such a big traffic accident, she didn't miraculously feel the pain and terrible, and she still had a relief of relief ...

Finally she paid off.

There was a smile at the corner of her mouth, and she closed her eyes slowly.


When Rong Mo climbed up, there was a huge collision sound in his ear, and he could still be deafening over such a long distance! !!

Rong Mo could not help but stare. The shock in his eyes was unprecedented, "Yan Zi ..."

She ran quickly, and in the dark night, in the cold snow, desperately running, she hoped to be faster, faster.

At the same time, she touched her pocket and wanted to call the police, but when she rolled down the mountain just now, it seemed like her cell phone, along with the recording pen, all fell out.

Is she going back again?

Just then, a car came quickly behind her, and braked sharply when she was next to her.

The window fell, and a tall and mighty man looked at Rong Mo, and was very surprised: "Rong Shao ?!"

Rong Mo looked at him as if familiar.

Then I remembered that this was one of Shang Mo's brothers, Dashan's brother, the sea. Before he asked Shang Mo to find someone to protect Yan Zi, was it him?

She quickly drew the car door and sat up: "Hurry up, catch up, and ask someone to help."

"What happened? Rong Shao?"

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