His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1025: Everything returned to the origin (25)

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Rong Mo looked at the ward again and said gently: "Will she wake up?"

Shang Mo's eyebrows were slightly twisted, looking at Rong Mo's eyes confused, his expression was weak, and the sound of fluttering sounds had no roots. Suddenly, he was distressed, and he unexpectedly developed a kind. impulse.

Fortunately, he managed to control himself.

Stubbornly suppressed this shocking move back.

"You must wake up !!" Rong Mo murmured again.

Shang Mo felt that he was very dull, and wanted to say something would not wake up, but seeing her worry, he swallowed all the words again.

For this woman, Rong Mo seems to care too much! !!

He knew that during this time, they had been in contact. When this woman was living in the hospital, Rong Mo would visit her almost every day.

Could it be that Rong Mo fell in love with this woman?

He squeezed his lips tightly and whispered, "You will wake up, rest assured!"

"That's good."

"This woman is important to you?"

Rong Mo raised his head, smiled at Shang Shangmo's eyes, and nodded, "Yes, it's especially important."

This is her friend. She suddenly doesn't remember what happened during this time, and seems to have a relationship with this friend.

So why is she just important? It is very important.

Shang Mo's long eyelashes hang down, and she casts a fan-shaped **** on the eyes and face.

She suddenly developed a dark jealousy to the woman lying in the ward, not only jealousy, but also a little inscrutable envy.

What's going on? Up to now, it seems difficult for him to understand or to pretend.

When he received a call from the sea and knew that Rong Mo had a car accident, he was so frightened that his heart seemed to stop beating.

It was only her friend who determined that the accident was behind him, and he was relieved.

But when she was lethargic because of worry, he was anxious again, and did not make any stop, and hurried back as fast as possible.

But he still couldn't understand, how could he have a strange feeling for a man?

He has not loved, he has loved.

After love, he feels that love is the most wasteful and useless thing in the world, and he hasn't thought of anyone for so many years.

Although people outside said he was male and female, he was sure that he was not interested in men.

But why was Rong Mo tempted?

He didn't believe it at first, he couldn't accept it, and now he had to admit it.

But still extremely puzzled.

There are many men he knows, Bi Rong Mo is brilliant, Bi Rong Mo is talented ... So many more beautiful men than Rong Mo, but why didn't he care?

Is it because of his love?

Then he has a few assistants. He looks good, has a good personality, and is serious about his work. He really values ​​him, but why he is not interested at all.

If they were to say, if they accidentally plucked his towel and accidentally saw his position, he would immediately throw them downstairs! !!

But if it's Rong Mo ...... the analogy that day, he actually thought it was very interesting. Rong Mo's little face was red and the sky soared.

Shang Moqing couldn't help thinking ... Suddenly found that his throat was a little dry.

Then I remembered the dream he once had. Regarding his spring dreams with Rong Mo, Rong Mo was pressed by him under his body ...

Sang Mo held down his thoughts of fluttering and looked at Rong Mo and said, "Let's go, I will send someone to take care of her."

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