His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1033: Everything will be true (3)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Rong Mo heard that there was a violent storm and a mountain tsunami violently passing in front of him.

She coughed twice, then said heavily: "No **** is allowed."

Zhu Yuyu's eyes widened, "I'm not talking nonsense, but he has never looked for a girlfriend, and Grandma Shang has arranged blind dates for him more than a hundred times. Those women are fat, thin, open and conservative. He was successful once, and he didn't even watch it many times. I think he didn't want to get married at all. This is not because he loves men. Poor grandma Shang has always wanted to hug his great-grandson, and I don't know if I can survive that time. "

Speaking, Zhu Yuyu also sighed and was very sad. His cousin could love a man, but he must not rob her future boyfriend.

Rong Mo looked at her with inexplicable crying.

Zhu Yuyu's cute face is very mature and melancholy at the moment, making people feel inexplicably cute.

"Your cousin didn't look for him. He didn't want to look for it, but he had a high vision and was cautious about feelings. He would definitely find something suitable for him in the future."

When Shang Mo outside heard Rong Mo's words, he ticked his lips.

But the fact is, when Rong Mo said this, she was really bottomless, and she was inexplicably panicked. She was afraid of what Zhu Yuyu said, and she was also afraid of verifying her inner guess.

She was in no mood to massage Zhu Yuyu and took the instrument: "Okay, press it."

Meaning you can go.

But Zhu Yuyu just didn't leave, and introduced her to a small instrument after she pushed, saying that she could lose weight, and her skin was smooth and tender after massage.

Then Zhu Yuyu asked her to help press her neck again, and Rong Mo refused, "I'm a bit tired and want to rest, you go to grandma to help you control."

Is disguised as a guest.

Zhu Yuyu went to Rong Mo for massage. She wanted to have a close physical contact with Rong Mo to seduce Rong Mo. It is best that the two of them can't help but have a first kiss of love.

As a result, Rong Mo's face looked as indifferent as ever, but she could feel that Rong Mo was impatient with her.

Zhu Yuyu beaked her mouth, her eyes were reddish, and said aggrievedly, "Brother Rong Mo, don't you like me?"

Rong Mo was a little ashamed.

This question ... when did she like that she couldn't do it?

No matter what she and Zhu Yuyu have agreed on before, it is impossible to really agree. When she is her boyfriend after graduating from college, she should be more motivated to go to school.

Zhu Yuyu frowned, her mouth narrowed, and she was about to cry: "But you have promised me ... you are my future boyfriend."

Rong Mo said helplessly: "I don't remember."

"Then I don't care!" Zhu Yuyu pouted his lips: "Even if you feel that I am shameless, I have to make my words plain, life is short, and I rarely meet a loved one, I must not miss it, brother Rongmo, you must Do n’t forget the agreement between us. Say, you are my future boyfriend. Now I can drive a little girlfriend right? ”

"I can't be your boyfriend." She was a woman.

Zhu Yuyu frowned, looking very depressed.

Rong Mo couldn't bear looking at it, and was about to wait for you to pass the test. Zhu Yuyu asked her out loud: "Why can't I be good? Tell me if I'm not good, can't I change it?"

As she said, she suddenly opened her eyes: "You can't be like my cousin, don't you like girls like men ?!"


ps: Guess what Rong Mo will answer? Haha, ask for a monthly pass ~~

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