His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1039: Everything will be true (9)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

After hearing Rong Mo's words, Shang Mo subconsciously gave a cry: "Who asked you to provoke her."

At that time he warned not to approach Zhu Yuyu and give Zhu Yuyu hope, but he said that he would handle it well, and it turned out to be like this.

Hum, he said a long time ago, delay is not called processing! !!

He was very cold and looked a bit fierce, and Rong Mo took a second to respond: "Sorry, I don't remember."

"I don't remember that I can't solve everything, I told you before, don't try to attract bees and butterflies?" The innocent look made Shang Mo suddenly feel a little bit, and he didn't know what to do with him.

Dislike men, women, or men and women?

At this moment, Shang Mo's gaze fell on his plump and beautiful lips, and there was an impulse to kiss and hold him down.

Rong Mo was full of black lines.

To attract bees and butterflies? Even if she doesn't remember a while ago, she can be sure that she won't be tempted.

When she looked at Shang Mo, she only felt that his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and there was a deterrent and intimidating force to look at people, like a sharp arrow blade. People have the danger of being shot at any time.

This illusion made her blurt out, and then swallowed it similarly to the rebuttal. She grabbed her head and said lightly, "Thank you just now."

Shang Mo helped her. She should say thank you, and after that, she wanted to leave and didn't want to talk anymore. She planned to use a polite expression of thanks, and the conversation between them ended.

It is rumored that the character is weird, brutal, terrible, and ruthless Mr. Shang, it is better not to provoke it.

But the knowing Shang Mo actually asked her, "How do you thank?"

He glanced lightly across her face, very earnestly, step by step, calmly walked in front of her, looking gentle, but full of attacking force.

The sound of steady footsteps seemed to step on the apex of his heart, and Rong Mo looked at him, only feeling that his heartbeat followed his footsteps, as if he wanted to jump to his throat, and seemed to jump out at any time.

She looked at him stupidly, recalling what he had just said, and thought that she had heard it wrong, but just wanted to say thanks, and did not intend to actually give thanks.

Shang Mo's gaze was fixed on her face, and she frowned calmly, and asked displeasedly, "Did you not say thank you?"

Looking at his eyes, Rong Mo had a feeling of being sucked in. She reluctantly looked away and smiled, "Then how can you thank me?"

Shang Mo thought for a while and said, "Help me rub my back."

Rong Mo heard that he was almost choked by his own saliva, and his face couldn't help being stiff: "What?"

Seeing her reluctance, Shang Mo narrowed her eyes, but there was still a cloud of lightness on her face.

He walked in front of her, thin lips raised, and asked, "Why, are you nervous?"

As he said, he bent down slightly and reached in front of her.

The two were very close at the moment, her nose was all his breath, hot and scorching, primitive and pure, with a brutal impact, which was a strong force inherent in men.

It made her inexplicably dizzy and her legs soft.

Looking into his eyes, she didn't dare to say a loud breath, and tried hard to say, "Are I nervous?"

Shang Mo's eyes were dim, like a beast dormant in the darkness staring at his prey: "Then what expression did you just have, are you so weird when two men rub their backs?"


ps: The annual meeting in the evening, it ’s changed in advance, so what? Then ask for a monthly ticket ~

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