His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1043: Everything will be true (13)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Rong Mo decided to go home first anyway. In her dream last night, she remembered where her home was.

She decided to go back to Z province.

Before leaving, she only told Grandma Shang by leaving a message, so she packed up some things and went directly to the airport.

After getting off the plane, I took a taxi outside the airport and directly reported the name of the community in her memory.

The already dilapidated community seemed strange and familiar in her memory.

She walked up to an apartment and looked up. There seemed to be a shadow falling from above. Her eyes were dark and her body was soft. She almost couldn't stand.

Rong Mo held the tree next to her to ease the discomfort. She looked at the front of the apartment, as if her house was living in this building?

She gasped for a few moments, then stepped in and climbed to the third floor to knock on the door of her house.

Soon the door was opened, but it was a very strange grandma who opened the door.

The grandmother asked who she was and knew that she was beating her. She told her that the house was bought by her son three years ago, and it was not clear to her who the previous occupants were and where they had moved.

Rong Mo lost and left. She went downstairs blankly and walked towards the outside of the community. She still didn't know what to do, and where should she go to find her family.

Suddenly a black nanny car parked next to her, a woman got off the car and shouted anxiously: "Rong Shao."

Rong Mo: "..."

This girl is very familiar, and seems to have taken care of her in the pile of information that restored her "memory".

Oh, by the way, it was her assistant, and she looked excited at the moment, "... Rong Mo, you should at least tell me when you are back .... No, Mr. Shang said you have lost memory, but you also You ca n’t just run around. Come on, let ’s get in the car first. ”

Rong Mo gave her a deep look and asked her after getting in the car: "How do you know where I am?"

The assistant explained: "Mr. Shang said that you are back. After you leave the airport, someone will post your picture online. Although you are very low-key, scarves and hats almost cover your face, but many people still know people, and then secretly photograph your hair. Weibo. "

It turned out that she has forgotten that she is now a male artist and must wear a mask when going out.

"Fortunately, recently, everyone is following Chihiro's scandal, so no one cares about you."

"Chihiro?" The name was familiar, right, it was the heroine who filmed with her, and a very hot shadow in the entertainment industry.

"Yun Meng broke the news that Chihiro played big names, bullied the newcomer, hum, I knew it was fake at the first hearing. When you were a newcomer, Chihiro didn't know how to take care of you more, and also took care of other eighteen-line little artists. Yes, this Yunmeng is not crazy, thinking that he has a little traffic, he wants to step on the top of Chihiro, and he is not afraid to confuse himself. "

"Do I have a good relationship with Chihiro?" Rong Mo asked.

"Chihiro takes care of you. You went when Xun's sister got engaged." The assistant undoubtedly had him.

Rong Mo pondered what happened to her in Z province because Grandma Shang was not around. So she did n’t even say it to her monk, would this Chihiro who has a good relationship with her know anything?

Regardless of her gender, take her sister, maybe Chihiro knows it.

Rong Mo, who was a little depressed, had hope in his heart, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

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