His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1051: Restore memory, sisters recognize (1)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

After Su Muyang left in anger, instead of returning to her bedroom, she went directly to Su Ya.

She said sorry, "I'm sorry Sister Yaya, I can't help you, I will fly back to school tomorrow morning."

Su Ya shuddered all over!

She tried to calm her breath, her eyes gazed at Su Muyang in amazement, and there was a grieving grievance: "Don't you say that you want to stay at home for a few more days, and also stay with me for a few days?"

But the nails in her hands were about to pierce her palms.

But she forced herself to calm down and stop being cautious and cautious because of a moment of indignation.

"My aunt came back, scolded me, and went to see my mother again, all blame the woman. She called her aunt, and it was her idea for her, so I was so mad!" Su Muyang complained indignantly.

He turned his head to see Su Ya's pale face, sighed, and softened his voice to comfort him: "Sister Ya Ya, don't worry, grandpa, he just can't accept it, in fact, grandpa didn't blame you, you see today grandpa is very kind to you OK, it's only a matter of time before you come back, I will definitely help you! "

"Um." Su Ya's voice had a thick nasal voice, and she was a little bit aggrieved, "I know that grandpa is still reluctant to me, but my dad was not born of the Su family, and my grandmother did the same thing ... "

In fact, she totally disagreed with Su Muyang's words. Father Su is very old now, and he doesn't know how long he can live.

When Father Su is gone, what will he do back to Su's house? All of Su's house is Su Qiudao and Su Qianyu! !! !!

Today, it ’s only a little bit, it ’s just a little bit. Father Su agrees that she will return to Su ’s house.

As a result, Su Qianyi was called back by the time, the two discussed together, and sent Su Muyang the next day! !!

She really was going to be mad.

"That was done by your grandma. It has nothing to do with you. Grandpa wouldn't blame you. It was the time to provoke alienation, huh! I was really mad at me, and I even poured water directly on my face and scolded me. I don't understand politeness, she doesn't understand politeness herself. "Su Muyang grumbled beside her.

"You just said, time poured water on your face?" Su Ya asked gently.

"Isn't it!" Su Muzhen's cold eyes with a bit of ruthlessness, cut her teeth dumbly: "I really want to pour a cup of sulfuric acid on her face to make her look disfigured. Seeing that Lu Yanchen doesn't want her at that time, how can she be arrogant!"

In fact, he also talked about it, and did not intend to really do so.

Then the bear child's mouth was not blocked, but Su Ya's eyes sank. Suddenly there was a plan to break the boat.

They want to send Su Muyang away, they want to protect Su Muyang, what if Su Muyang does what he can't do without it?

There is no choice at this time, she and time are doomed to coexist.

Suyala opened the drawer and took out a bottle of water from it: "then you can pour this back."

"What is this?" Su Muyang took over.

"Sulfuric acid." It seems that Yang Sitong bought it last time, because this is what Yang Sitong has always wanted to do, but she was finally timid, so she put it in the drawer.

Su Muyang shook her hand and almost dropped the sulfuric acid in her hand to the ground.

He looked at Su Ya in surprise. It was just a word of outrage just now. Why Su Ya took it seriously and really gave him sulfuric acid.

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