His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1055: Restore memory, sisters meet (5)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Ya smiled and hurriedly clarified: "Do n’t bring me, the things that Yan Zi and Shi Ze did, it really has nothing to do with me. I was ashamed of bullying your sister back then. It ’s not that I ’ve never thought about getting along with you. After all, you ’re the granddaughter ’s biological granddaughter, but you do n’t accept me, and now I do n’t want to have a good relationship with you. I just want to go home and do n’t want to mix in again. It's all right. If you want me to come back and see Grandpa often, I can help you find out where your sister is from Yan Zi. "

"If my sister's disappearance is really done by Yan Zi, I don't need you and I will know everything I want to know from Yan Zi, and I will not do any transactions with you. I never trade with people I do n’t like. Because I am not a businessman. "After that, time was ready to go.

"Stop!" Su Ya stepped forward, reaching out to grasp the hand of time.

Time was completely cold, and his wrist turned, grabbing Su Ya's hand, and pushed her to the cabinet next to her.

Su Ya was unprepared, and she didn't expect that time would push her, and her back hit the armrest of the cabinet and hurt her.


She wanted to yell at time. She grabbed the collar of Su Ya's clothes, and she uttered one step first: "I warn you, don't try to provoke me easily, and stay away from my family, otherwise I won't let you go!"

Facing the icy glances of time, Su Ya had a kind of coldness in her bones, and she had a heartbeat.

She froze fiercely, for her weakness and fear of time, and heard a voice in her ear, Su Muyang came down, her expression on her face changed, and she was immediately aggrieved and shouted: "I was wrong , I'm sorry, I beg you, don't hit me ... don't hit me ... "

As soon as she heard this, time knew that someone was coming, and she turned her head subconsciously.

I saw Su Muyang rushing in.

As soon as Su Muyang came in, she saw Su Ya, who was pale, over-stunned, and weak and pitiful. He immediately pulled away the hand of time: "What are you doing, how can you bully my sister?"

Time is speechless.

"Mu Yang, don't say it." Su Ya pitifully stopped, a look that did not want to cause trouble, but it was angry than her, making Su Muyang more distressed and angry.

Su Muyang shouted at the time: "Why not say it, I think she did it on purpose, it's really too much. Why do you bad girl always bully Sister Yaya!"

"It was time that she had misunderstood me," Su Ya sighed sadly, and looked at Shiji sadly, "Shiji, if you are dissatisfied with me, just tell me, I will change it Do n’t you treat me like this? I do n’t really want to go back to Su ’s house, I just want to see Grandpa. ”

Hearing liver tremor in time, expressing that it is really intolerable! !!

Is this woman endless?

Her words of injustice were ineffective in front of others.

But it was very effective in front of Su Muyang.

Seeing Su Muyang's distressed look, time kicked the trash can next to him: "Hurry up!"

She completely ignored Su Muyang's psychology at the moment, Su Muyang was a child in her heart.

The trash can fell to the ground, and the trash and all the "laughs" poured out with a strange smell, and then the vegetable leaf juice flowed out, and it just stained Suya's shoes.

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