His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1062: Restore memory, sisters recognize (12)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"Auntie, you didn't say that before, you said that we are one family and we should help each other ..."

"Don't stop talking nonsense, how could I say such a thing to you!" Xu Yafeng looked fiercely, raised his hand, and slapped Su Muyang with a slap.

She didn't want Su Muyang to tell her all the words she said, otherwise they would not be able to return to Su's house.

No one expected that Xu Yafeng would suddenly give Su Muyang a slap.

Including Xu Yafeng himself.

After realizing her disability, she quickly shifted her focus and stared at Su Muyang fiercely. "From childhood to age, Yaya has hurt you so much. How can you do such a thing to her, now what should she do What a terrible thing a girl disfigured, you know? "

"Who asked you to hit my son, why did you hit my son?" Erji returned to God and immediately rushed forward.

Eryi can be said to be in love with her son. If her son wants to have stars in the sky, she will probably do everything possible to get him.

Because of this, I have a headache. I don't know how to educate my son.

Where would anyone be allowed to hit Su Muyang.

She just wanted to pull away Xu Yafeng, but in the end Xu Yafeng slammed directly with her, cursing loudly while saying: "You are so ruthless, you hurt us like this ..."

After talking about it, I want Su Ya to stay in the Su family.

"Ma'am, I'll call the best plastic surgeon, and she'll be able to get back to what she was."

Su Qianyu tried to pull them away, but he couldn't pull them apart.

"Stop all of me !!" Father Su drank majesticly, and the crutch gave him a heavy two-pokes on the ground! !!

Eryan was trembling violently, and his whole body was panting like a fire-breathing dragon.

She is different from Xu Yafeng. Eryi is from a famous family. When she fought with others like this, she wasn't Xu Yafeng's opponent at all.

When it was torn apart, Xu Yafeng fell, and "bang!" A loud noise hit the table next to it, and everything on the table was swept across the floor.

She screamed in pain, only feeling that the jawbone she had hit was about to break.

Su Ya shouted in panic: "Mom ..."

Xu Yafeng for a long time, then this slowed down God.

She has always been fierce in her life, and relying on the Su family, she has always been arrogant and arrogant. When she felt this kind of anger, she wanted to rush up and hold Er Er.

An anger boiling from the bottom of his heart rushed quickly to the top of his head, and the old man yelled, "Get out of me !!"

Su Ya's eyes trembled, her palms clenched into fists, her voice was very mute: "Grandpa ..."

The old man's face was so cold that he would never come to the Su family again. From today on, you and the Su family will never have any more relationship.

Xu Yafeng cursed: "Father, you are too ruthless, and you don't want anyone to take care of you when you are sick, now you turn your face and don't recognize anyone !!"

The old man looked at her with a **** murderous look: "Who cares for whom ?!"

These faint words immediately made Xu Yafeng shrink into the shell of a turtle like a frightened turtle.

Su Ya covered her mouth and cried softly and tenderly, it was so pity.

But Mr. Su is cruel this time ...

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