His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1068: Restore memory, sisters recognize (18)

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At this time, the Shang house was brightly lit, and Dashan pulled the door of the car, trying to help Shang Mo down, but Shang Mo would not move in the car.

Oyama stood tangled outside.

He knew that Rong Shao was back, and he wanted to ask Rong Mo to come down and help.


Rong Mo returned to Shangzhai, left from Su Qianyu in the afternoon, and returned directly. She found her own room, which was no different from her room in Kyoto.

She went to take a bath and slept again.

After having dinner in the evening, she sorted things out in the bedroom while trying to find something familiar or feeling, but nothing.

When she opened the drawer of the bedside table, she finally found something that might help her a little.

A diary.

She opened it and looked at it. There were some sketches in it, and all the paintings were girls with bright eyes and bright teeth, smiling softly and sunnyly.

She used an assistant's hand to check it online, and it turned out that there were a lot of information and photos about time on the Internet.

Little, time, her sister, is exceptional.

She is now a member of the National Women's Swimming Team. Although she has not participated in international competitions, she has won many domestic trophies, and many of them are champions.

She is very beautiful, with long hair, smiling not as bright as the sun, and tall.

Many fans on Weibo called her a goddess of swimming.

Her love life is also very good. After her trumpet was exposed, Lu Yanchen gave people the title of spoiled wives and mad monsters, and occasionally showed affection and envy a group of little girls.

I want to know if it ’s true as stated on the Internet. Lu Yanchen is so good at time. She also deliberately searched for the trumpet of time. This trumpet ’s Weibo content is just a romantic idol drama.

The two met each other in high school and knew each other and loved each other.

So when she saw the sketch in the Diary, she could tell at a glance that she was painting time.

Rong Mo's eyes turned red, and she touched the girl's face with her fingers. "Time, I'm my sister, right?"

Otherwise, she would not draw time sketches in her diary.

It was just what kind of danger it was, so that she did not even recognize her sister, what happened behind her, and how it fell into Chang Xiaoyang's hands.

Opening another page, Rong Mo's eyes narrowed sharply.

A lot of names are written on this page, Chihiro, Su Ya, Lin Yier, Yang Sitong, and time, arranged in a circle.

And in the middle is the name of Mo Feifei.

She's Murphy.

She saw a continuous line between the names of Su Ya and Chihiro, with her aunt and nephew written on it.

Another line between her and Su Ya wrote the word "non-friend".

On the line between her and time, the word "sister" is written.

Sister, surely time is her younger sister. She should have never remembered before. She is looking for who she is, so she made this notebook.

Thinking of this, Rong Mo quickly turned to the next page.

The next page is her diary.

It is a diary, but it is described by a third person, all about a girl named Mo Feifei.

She is a genius girl, a good child in the eyes of her parents, and a child in the eyes of other parents.

But one day, four girls surrounded her on the corner of the campus and violently exported her.

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