His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1074: Restore memory, sisters recognize (24)

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Why is Shang Mo after marrying the glasses like a demon, with a lazy expression, an evil look, and a deep look ... Raising his hands and lowering his eyebrows and bowing his head, all show infinite charm, the evil is enchanting and does not bring a trace of popularity, so Like poppy but suffocating.

Putting on his glasses clearly, he looked at Jianmei Xingmu, being gentle and elegant.

I don't know, I really thought I met two people.

Rong Mo went downstairs with a look of confusion. She saw Dashan still in the living room. She was immediately happy. She could let Dashan bring the sober soup into the house. It was better for her drunk Shang Mo to have less contact.


Dashan, who was on the phone, heard his words and turned back, and saw his excitement rushing towards his own Rongmo, his eyes burning.

He panicked inexplicably. Between Mr. Shang and Rong Shao, others didn't know, but he could smell ambiguous.

Not sure if Rong Shao likes or dislikes men, but Mr. Shang is obviously wrong ... Now that Rong Shao is so enthusiastic about him, he has to say that he is panicked.

"What's wrong with Rong?"

"The hangover soup is ready, you bring it to Mr. Shang."

"But Rong Shao, I'm going to pick up my girlfriend." Dashan said he didn't want to, at this point in time to get suspicious.

"Your girlfriend, when did you make a girlfriend." Rong Mo remembered that Dashan didn't seem to have a girlfriend.

"Just ... just ..."

"Just handed it in?"

"I chased for a long time. She just agreed to be my girlfriend, so I hurried to meet her." Dashan raised Yang's phone, and there was a short number on it, and the call continued.

Rong Mo doubted that he was there, didn't say anything, smiled and turned to go to the kitchen.

Dashan breathed a sigh of relief. He turned and walked out again, and put the phone back to his ear to feed again. There was a male voice on the other end of the phone: "Fuck, you, when will I be your girlfriend ..."


Rong Mo, holding the hangover soup, stood outside the door of Shang Mofang, and then pushed the door back.

She was shocked when she entered, and Shang Mo took a bath, wearing a bathrobe, her hair sitting wet beside the bed, holding a glass of red wine in her hand, and the red wine bottle on the bedside table had dropped by half.

Rong Mo ashamed.

"Mr. Shang, why are you still drinking?" All drunk like this, drinking, he doesn't care about his life and death, but also think about grandma Shang.

Grandma is so old, if you know that he doesn't take care of his body so much, you shouldn't blame it.

"Don't drink, just drink this hangover soup, it will be better after drinking." Rong Mo put the hangover soup on the bedside table.

She reached for Shang Mo's red wine, and Shang Mo staggered his hand: "Don't drink."

Avoiding Rong Mo ’s actions, the range was a little, the wine was scattered a little, and the pure white sheets were stained with red, white and red, looking extremely dazzling.

Rong Mo's beautiful eyebrows frowned. Looking at Shang Shangmo, the whole man was stunning and enchanting, and with wildness and uninhibited.

Really, she really looks like a child. She didn't describe her fault before.

She said softly, "Don't drink any more. Drinking so much alcohol is bad for your health."

Shang Mo tilted his head lazily, put the cup next to him, and reached up to Rong Mo's ear, whispering vaguely: "Do you care about me?"

Rong Mo looked down at the face of Zhang Junxie next to him, his breath suffocated.

She pursed her lips, held her breath, and said gently, "Don't you say you are my brother? Isn't it normal that I care about you?"

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