His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1080: Restore memory, sisters meet (30)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Reason and desire from the bottom of the body are frantically fighting in their minds, and chaos is interspersed with all kinds of chaotic memories.

Her body was tight, her eyes closed, and she was a little bit sloppy.

But Shang Mo thought she accepted him, so he kissed deeper, sucking **** her fragrance and sweetness.

The memories of Shiguang's mind were spinning, and finally appeared on Shiguang's face, with red eyes all the time, standing in front of her, choking her voice and calling: "Sister ..."


She made this voice almost unconsciously.

At this moment, her whole body was tense, and when she had a headache, the whole person seemed to be in a dream, until a sting came from beneath her ...

"Ah! Pain!" Rong Mo shouted subconsciously, and at this time she seemed to look at the man on her body, her eyes were shocked and bewildered.

Immediately, she exclaimed, "What are you doing, Shang Mo?"

"Good ..." Rong Mo's breathing was disordered, and he felt a clear resistance. He choked for a moment and swallowed his throat.

He kissed her gently, comforted her, and coaxed in her ear: "Just a moment, don't be afraid ... I'll be lighter, it won't hurt anymore ..."

Every girl who becomes a woman must experience such a pain, which is unavoidable.

He wouldn't make her hurt, it would be good for her, but he couldn't help her with such pain, and Cao Yang couldn't help it.

Rong Mo refused very hard: "No, don't!"

Her sore face was pale, tears were about to shed, and her nails were digging into his strong muscles.

Shang Mo was so distressed that she picked her up and hugged her arms, kissed her hair, and said comfortably: "It won't hurt anymore, it won't happen anymore, and it will become more and more comfortable."

Rong Mo felt like he was going crazy, and glared at him angrily: "Do you know what you are doing, are you strong *?"

"Strong *?"

Shang Mo was full of black lines, "I asked you clearly, you said, uh, you agreed ..."

She said, huh?

its not right!

Just now she felt that her sister was calling her, so she swallowed, **** memory, why she came back here, very messy, especially chaotic! !!

Rong Mo breathed a sigh of relief: "It's wrong, I don't want it, so let me go."

"At this time, you said no to me." Shang Mo's face was full of forbearing sweat, and at a glance, I knew how much torture was stopping.

Rong Mo couldn't understand how painful it was for a man if she stopped, but she is really uncomfortable now and it hurts.

"Hurry up." This kind of thing can only be done by the closest people, and her monk Mo is not!

"No? The killing is just the point. You stop me now, but it's more uncomfortable than killing me." Shang Mo has reached the limit of patience, he didn't want to hear her continue, and chose to kiss her lips .

In a sweet tone, he said in her ear: "I am your first man, and I must be your last."

Rong Mo is actually very resistive, especially resistive, but he is very gentle and skillful, as if treating her as a porcelain doll.

Be careful.

She didn't know what was going on, and her body almost turned into a stream of water. He was gentle because he knew it was the first time.

But it took a long time ... until dawn, she let her go contentedly.

Several times in the middle, Rong Mo wanted to kill his heart, scolded, cried, and also begged, if Shang Mo was like a stubborn boy, holding her, calling her baby in her ear, Just like kidding ...

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