His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1090: Restore memory, sisters meet (40)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Seeing Su Ya's body stunned, time confirmed her thoughts even more: "You used to be so scared that I was dealing with people in Su's family, so this secret that cannot be known must be related to me, and this is also what you want to hurt my sister The original difficulty is that you already knew the secret of your life in high school, and you also know that my sister is the biological granddaughter of grandpa! "

Time narrowed his eyes, and made all the guesses and analyses in his heart.

"In order to keep this secret, you and your brother used a cruel thing to bully my sister, and that was ..." Time took a breath, and her voice suddenly trembled: "... In that year, The accident of my parents was not an accident, but because of you !!! "

Su Ya froze for a moment.

She did not expect that time would have reasoned out directly.

For so many years, I always thought that things were done seamlessly. I always thought that no one would know. I didn't expect to be known. Yan Zi knew it, and Murphy knew it, and now even time knows it.

That way, she will not be able to live in this world! !!

She narrowed her eyes, glanced at the time, and approached the time two steps forward. Her eyes were dull, and her lips were darkened. "Oh, it's your parents!"

She had crazy resentment in her eyes and kicked time directly.

Time fell to the ground again immediately, turning his head to stare at Su Ya, struggling to restrain the shaking body, quickly calming himself, and squinting at her, "You are so vicious!"

Looking at the time as if to eat her eyes, when Su Ya wanted to make another trip, she was stopped by the next week boss: "Ms. Su, brother Wen said ..."

Su Ya stared at Boss Zhou fiercely, then reached out and pushed Zhou Boss fiercely.

However, she did not start with the time any more, just looked at the time coldly, looking at the time you can do anything to me, light and gentle, and then thought of her disfigured face, she could not tear it Time broke the face.

"In the past, you really shouldn't be left, you should all die!" Su Ya, who had always been calm and ruthless, felt like a suppressed flash flood, and she didn't take into account her speech at all, and she is also rooted today I never thought about leaving time alive!

Time frowned deeply, took a hard breath, and couldn't hold back the anger and sadness in his heart.

The monstrous hatred made her anxious to tear Su Ya forward.

Sorry, mom and dad, sorry ...

She gritted her teeth and cried, "Suya, you will definitely get retribution? !!!"

"If you don't do it yourself, it's going to die! That's called retribution!" Su Ya bent her lips, taking for granted.

She questioned the time: "If we change positions, if you are me! Will you please let me take everything that originally belonged to you, and then step you under your feet! Are you willing ?!"

"People do n’t take it for granted, they are destroyed by nature. It ’s not what you use. The real meaning is that if people do n’t cultivate themselves, then they will not be tolerated by the heavens and the earth! It is better to live, to develop, and to seek your own interests does require some means. It is everyone's rights and responsibilities to seek the legitimate interests of individuals, but it is not you who are so mad and in order to achieve the purpose regardless of others' lives. For the word has been extinguished by nature, you call it a death of wickedness and sin! "

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