His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1105: Spend all your life petting you love you (5)

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Yesterday Lu Yanchen told her that the real behind-the-scenes kidnapper was not Su Ya but Su Wencheng.

There is no way to take Su Wencheng, but Su Ya would be different if he directs Su Wencheng. Although he knows the possibility of persuading Su Ya is very low, but he still wants to try it.

"I'll accompany you." Lu Yanchen said.

"No, you have been very busy recently. You and Chu Mubei are busy. I am not protected by bodyguards, and my sister is with me."

Really say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Now she was talking about Rong Mo, and Rong Mo pushed in the door and walked in. Today Rong Mo is no longer a man, wearing a women's coat with a plain dress, flat boots, and She wore a long black wig and a black frame on her nose bridge, but it did not damage her beauty, she looked beautiful and elegant, and she had a special literary temperament.

Completely changed from a boy to a little woman.

When Chu Mubei fixed her gaze on her, she glanced over her eyes.

Then a whistling whistle was blown.

Time glanced at Chu Mubei as a warning, and then gave a sweet smile to Rong Mo, "Sister, you are here."

Chu Mubei next to it touched his nose and smiled, very helpless, but he admired it, just wanted to express that Rong Mo was very helpful.

When does Time Sister look?

See him completely as a ghost in color.

And Lu Yanchen next to him, when he saw the smile on Shiguang's face, his face became slightly heavier, and his eyes did not feel harsh, only that the smile of Shiguang was very dazzling.

Because not smiling at him.

And where her sister appeared, she wasn't in her eyes.

Time came down from the bed and took her sister's hand and turned around. "You look so pretty and change your dress, but you're wearing a wig."

Rong Mo slightly smiled: "Because from today, I am Mo Feifei, and Rong Mo ..." will disappear from this world.

Lu Yanchen walked over, holding the hand of Mo Feifei while holding time, dragging her to her side and said, "Your sister's certificate has been done. From today on, there is only Mo Feifei in this world, but no tolerance. Now. "

There is a deep meaning in this remark.

But time did not hear it, she smiled and said, "There is only Mo Feifei in this world ... Sister, yesterday you told me that Grandma Shang saved you, and when I was discharged, I would go with you to Kyoto. Thank her. "

Rong Mo told Time about everything she had encountered since she disappeared, except that her monk Mo had concealed it.

She was silent for a moment, and said to the time solemnly, "Little, there is no room for Rong Mo in this world, so we don't need to go to meet people that Rong Mo knows."

Time is a bit aggressive.

She took a moment to understand: "Sister, what do you mean ..."

Say goodbye to Rong Mo completely, and no longer have any involvement with those who know Rong Mo, and start a new life that belongs to Mo Feifei.

Rong Mo ... No, nodded.

She said, "They all treat me as a man, but in fact I am a woman. Now that I am back to my true identity, I do not know how to explain to them. I thank Grandma Shang for her life-saving grace, and I also want To repay her, if the family still needs help in the future, and I can help, I will certainly take it. As for the thanks on the lips, it is now forgiven. "

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