His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1107: Spend all your life petting you love you (7)

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"How can that be? Sister Shang Yuyu has a life-saving kindness. It is right to be gracious, but you can't report yourself in, but if you like that Mr. Shang, it doesn't matter if you marry him ..."

When Murphy was still Rong Mo, time had heard the scandal of Mr. Rong Mo and Shang Shang. She was not sure of her sister. The reason why Rong Mo didn't want to appear was because of Shang Mo.

Mo Feifei's expression was stiff.


"That's it. I don't want my sister to marry so early. I want my sister to stay with me. I can't stay with her for a lifetime, but I can stay with her for two or three years."

Lu Yanchen walked with a calm face and sat down on the sofa, holding his forehead with one hand, and said coldly, "Isn't it going to see Su Ya?"

Looking at the time with a smile on his face, that tired sister looks like a little girl who has not grown up. Aojiao is envious, jealous and helpless.

Could Feifei be hesitant, looking at the time and asking, "Are you going to see Suya?"

"Yes, tell her about Su Wencheng. You don't have to worry about me. She is paralyzed in half of her body and it is impossible to hurt me."

"I'll go with you," Murphy said, still uneasy, and decided to go with time.

Time agreed immediately, holding Rong Mo's hand and leaving directly from Lu Yanchen.

Lu Yanchen leaned on the sofa, staring coldly at the two sisters leaving hand in hand, expressing his dissatisfaction coldly on his face.

He wasn't really jealous, but time was a little too nervous for her sister ... she totally regarded her as a filigree flower, or because her sister had been a vegetable for seven years, so she was used to everything Just thinking about taking care of her sister,

But he really wanted to say, don't look at Mo Feifei who is thin and fragile. In fact, it is very powerful. At least IQ is above her sister.

She doesn't have to worry at all.

Time and Mo Feifei went to the floor where Su Ya was located, and saw a lot of people turning around at the door of the ward. There was also a fierce curse in the ward.

"Su Ya, you scumbag and shameless little bitch, you harmed our family. If it weren't for you, my daughter wouldn't be jailed, and our company would not go bankrupt!"

Then there was the sound of crisp and fierce slapping, and the sound of something banging on the ground.

Time frankly moved forward through the crowd and saw Madam Yang, Yang Chifeng was also in the ward.

And Su Ya was wrapped in gauze on her head, wearing sick clothes, and fell to the ground. Five bright red fingerprints almost dripping on her cheeks, her eyes flashed with fear, a painful look, not to mention that there are now How wobbly.

Yang Chifeng wanted to lift her from the ground, and Mrs. Yang immediately wanted to tear her son apart, and hit Su Ya by the way: "You vicious bitch, you must not die."

Yang Chifeng lifted Su Ya to the bed, then frowned and looked at Mrs. Yang: "Mom, what are you doing? Are you out of trouble?"

The nurse and doctor also came in: "This lady, please go out."

"Do you know what she did?" Mrs. Yang was reluctant to kill her son, and yelled at the doctor and nurse, "She is a murderer!"

The doctors and nurses originally wanted to stop them, but they were both stunned by Mrs. Yang's words!

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