His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1116: Spend all my life loving you (16)

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However, Shang Mo always believed that Rong Mo was not dead. He would go to the beach and stand there almost every day, even if he had to go for a few minutes.

After returning from the beach, Shang Mo went to a coffee shop. He had a friend here today.

He was sitting next to a window, opposite an office building, he just glanced casually, but his body flickered suddenly.

I saw not far away, this time has been lingering in his mind, the person remembered in the dream at midnight, actually appeared in front of him.

He was wearing a black casual jacket, a pair of jeans, a baseball cap, and the brim was very low. When he was out of the dress, he raised his face forward, just in his position, and saw his features. The familiar eyebrows and exquisite facial features all show that this person is Rong Mo.

Shang Mo's eyes blinked, for fear of blinking, people would disappear.

Like several times before, it was just his fantasy.

But the figure was always in his eyes, and then went further and further.

It was not an illusion, but it was true. When he saw Rong Mo, Shang Mo immediately stood up, then ran out of the cafe and ran towards the figure.

Shang Mo regretted why he didn't dare admit it and didn't dare to follow his inner feelings.

He hated himself more than once. Why did he care if Rong Mo was a man or a woman? Why did he say he didn't care if he was a man or a woman, but he couldn't admit that he was in love with a man.

In fact, even if he is a man.

Falling in love is falling in love, he loves this person, and it has nothing to do with whether he is a man or a woman.

If he can come back, he will definitely express his heart and ask him if he can try it together.

Most of the streets are office buildings, and now it is off-hours, and people are everywhere on the streets.

When Shang Mo chased out, he found that figure was drowned in the sea of ​​people and could not be found at all.

The person he loved was gone in a blink of an eye. Shang Mo couldn't accept the result. He immediately went to the crowd, but he didn't even see his back.

Shang Mo went back and forth in the crowd, searching everywhere, as if he had lost something of special importance, as if desperately, finding it desperately.

Everyone around him looked at him with surprise and surprise, after all, such a handsome man.

Shang Mo searched for a long time, but still couldn't find the figure, not even a similar figure.

It makes people think that what just happened is just an illusion.

Dashan didn't see the figure. He didn't know the reason. When he followed up, he saw Shang Mo's face disappointed. He asked worriedly, "Sir, what happened?

"I saw Rong Mo." Shang Mo's tone was quite certain that he would not read it wrong. Rong Mo was just now, not an illusion.

Da Shan looked around. There were people around, but no one was similar to Rong Mo.

Could it be that Mr. Shang is dazzled?

"Maybe you read it wrong, Mr. Shang."

How could it be wrong, so clearly just now, but he really saw Rong Mo's, there would be nothing wrong, Rong Mo is not dead, it must not be dead.

He turned to look at Dashan and said, "Don't start looking for the sea tomorrow, look elsewhere, you must find Rong Mo anyway."

While commanding, he hurried away, followed by Dashan.

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