His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1119: Spend all your life loving you (19)

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"It doesn't count, there's no face-to-face, it's just a video, but it's not a meeting." Time smiled happily, looking sweet.

Mo Feifei stopped saying anything, and she was really happy to see Lu Yanchen being so good to her sister!

Not to mention anything else, this wedding alone makes her feel very different.

Every couple gets tired because of the wedding. But time does not need to intervene. Except for some things that she has to be present, she doesn't need to worry about her, so she gave her a grand wedding, which is the dream of almost all girls.

In the future, marrying the Lu family should not suffer any grievances.

"Sister, should we have something to celebrate?"

Originally, Li Fangfei was going to open a box with her outside to celebrate the end of the single life, but because it was too early the next day, this project was cancelled.

Time doesn't drink, just drunk.

So they celebrate with drinks instead of wine.

The sound of two cups bumping against the wall, Murphy said, "My little one must be happy."

Time smiled, "Well."

After taking a sip, Time touched Mo Feifei again: "My sister, too, you must be happy."

She knew from Lu Yanchen that Shang Mo had never given up after knowing that Rong Mo had fallen into the sea, and had been asking people to find Rong Mo.

If Rong Mo is just a passenger in Shang Mo's life, Shang Mo can't always let people find Rong Mo in the sea.

My elder sister stayed in Shang's house for so long. Although she was a man, she was rumored to have a distorted personality, and both men and women would eat it. .

"I'm very happy now," Murphy said with a smile.

"Sister, don't you really plan to return to Shang's family again?" If Shang Mo is not as rumored by the outside world, and she really likes her sister, then she still hopes that her sister will return to Shang's family.

However, her sister is a very opinionated person and has her own ideas and decisions.

Mo Feifei put down the drink and said, "If the family doesn't need my help, then don't return."

Time asked curiously, "Mr. Shang, is it really rumored, do men and women take all the food?"

Murphy shook his head: "I don't know."

She really didn't know, but he didn't care if she was a man or a woman, so she should talk about it. It should be true.

"Anyway, that Mr. Shang looks pretty good. I haven't had any idea with him for so long?" It's a little worse than her family, Lu Yanchen, it's a little bit like this. Rare.

"You are getting married, don't allow many thoughts to other men." Mo Feifei's expression was a little ashamed, but she said something coldly, she couldn't think of it now, she My sister is telling her.

"Sister, where do you want to go, how could I like Shang Mo, the best man in the world has been accepted by me." Shi Guang firmly said: "I only love Lu Yanchen, I told you before, I said at the time that I was going to seduce you, sister, and you said that I was going to be angry. "

"I didn't say it casually, just like you guessed me monk Mo!"

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