His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1121: Spend all my life loving you (21)

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After a long kiss, Chu Mubei did not let go of her. The hot air sprayed on Wang Caichun's face, and she got Wang Caichun's cheeks flushing for a while. She couldn't make it. Come and help. "

Where can Li Fangfei help?

When Chu Mubei suddenly came up to play hooligan, she was frightened and retreated.

Then everyone rushed up, she could only step back, shouting: "What about the red envelope? What about the red envelope?"

"Give give give !!!"

She stuffed her with several red envelopes, but they finally broke into the room anyway.

Wang Caichun was furious, staring at Chu Mubei's calm and restless look, gritted his teeth, followed Chu Mubei on high heels, and kicked him directly.

Chu Mubei turned her head and glanced at her: "Murder of my husband ?!"

Wang Caichun snorted coldly and left his head proudly.

Lu Yanchen stood a step away from time, stopped, then knelt down on one knee, held up his flowers and presented it to time.

Just when time reached out to take over the flowers, he was hugged by Lu Yanchen.

On the main road of the city that day, a whole military wedding convoy stretched for hundreds of meters.

The wedding scene is carefully arranged, from the floor, the wall and the ceiling are covered with a variety of flowers, and the natural dazzling crystals are deep and deep, layer upon layer, flowing and shining, like stars general.

There is a wide lawn in front of the hotel, and there is a small fountain in the lobby. It is also surrounded by flowers, which makes people enter as if in a fairyland.

The wedding cake has nine layers, which is higher than an adult, and it is also decorated with pink flowers, which looks particularly dreamy.

Guests at the scene were celebrities and businessmen, handsome men and beautiful women, with crowns gathered.

In addition to Chu Mubei Wang Caichun led the best man group and bridesmaid group, is one of the highlights of the wedding.

The flower boy group led by Xiao Bai even turned over the guests.

A number of media reporters surrounded the luxurious hotel, hoping to report this century wedding, but the wedding did not invite any media. Although these media reporters were entertained, they refused all their shooting.

Time Father is no longer there, so Father Su brings her into the field and hands her over to Lu Yanchen.

The solemn wedding march rose up slowly. Father Su brought Landing Yanchen to the red carpet. The bride was not nervous, but Father Su was particularly nervous.

Even a little bit reluctant, but when handing over to Lu Yanchen, his face was sincerely happy and blessed.

Lu Yanchen bent at 90 degrees, bowed deeply to Father Su, and took the hand of time, and the smile on the corner of his lips deepened.

And time also looked at him across the wedding dress. Lu Yanchen, who was not like a mortal, thought that he would be her husband in the future, and she would be very comfortable in her heart.

Father Su looked at the pair of tadpoles in love, and when they saw each other in their eyes, they sat in their place, and then secretly wiped the tears of joy.

The master of ceremonies read the lines and asked them to exchange rings. After the ceremony was completed, someone snarled: "Dear one!"

Then everyone started to coax, "Kiss one, kiss one ..."

Time was particularly embarrassed, looking at Lu Yanchen with a red face.

Lu Yanchen bowed his head and kissed her lips, rolling gently ... palms and laughter broke out from the audience.

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