His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1134: Could it be Rong Mo? (4)

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Su Qianyi was full of black lines, she said that she was the aunt, and the little girl was two years younger than her, which would actually fill her with chicken soup.

She coughed twice and said solemnly, "Others are so old, you seem to have been in love a lot."

Mo Feifei laughed: "I haven't been in love, but if I meet someone I like someday, I should say that I like him directly. If he likes me too, I will be with him. If he doesn't like it, I will never see him again. "

Su Qianxuan's eyes moved slyly: "I have a brother who looks very handsome, has a good personality, and has a personality similar to you. Why don't I give you a blind date, where are you?"

This is to introduce her to a blind date. Mo Feifei was amused by Su Qianyi: "When I need to get married in the future, but there is no target, you can introduce us."

"You're not too young, you can find it."

"I've been busy with the design institute competition recently. I can't just stay at home everyday, I have to find a job."

"Is the act really lost?" She remembered that when filming together, Mo Feifei was in order to make a good play, but she read books and plays every day, studied hard, and made small achievements. It ’s a pity to lose it now .

"I'm still more interested in painting."

Mo Feifei was really fascinated with art design recently. She only participated in one work, but she painted the entire series.

The stars and the galaxy in her mind are really too beautiful.

She used to surf the Internet on Baidu. Wouldn't it be weird for a vegetative to appear in a coma?

A case was accidentally found, and when a vegetative person woke up and painted the world of death he had seen, those pictures were particularly terrifying.

And she is more fortunate. She thinks what she sees should be the most beautiful paradise.

The winner list will not be announced until next week, but today she received a call from the Design Institute. The call to her was the youngest deputy dean Chen Xien in the history of the Design Institute.

When I went to the Design Institute to hand over the manuscript that day, she also met him. A man in his thirties was mature and charming. He said that he was very interested after reading the pictures on the Internet. She was flattered and gave her manuscript to Chen Xienian.

Chen Xinian looked very carefully and praised while watching. He heard that Chen Xinian was a very professional designer.

Not surprisingly, she will have her name in the list of winners to be announced.

On this day, she suddenly received a call from Chen Xienian, saying that she would let her go there and had something to talk to her.

Today is Saturday, the employees are all rested, and the large design institute is a bit quiet.

She walked to Chen Xinian's office, knocked on the door, and heard the voice of "Please come in" inside, she pushed the door into it.

Inside was a man wearing a suit and revealing the elite model. He was tall, with a hawk-nosed nose, paired with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and there was another elegant model. After seeing Mo Feifei, the man's eyes brightened and he immediately stood Welcome.

"Hello Mr. Chen."

Isn't Mo Feifei dressed differently from last time? The last time she was more casual and wore a baseball, but today she is a white dress that wraps her exquisite figure with a long outside. The coat, spectacle frame and long hair made her look particularly fresh and artistic.

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