His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1136: Could it be Rong Mo? (6)

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Could it be strange that Chen has been doing women's dress shops in the past? Is it a gift for his girlfriend? Chen Zhi stopped in the past, and looked at a water-blue dress on the right hand side, picked it up and handed it to her: "Fei Fei, you try it."

Having a meal together just now, Chen Xi's title to Mo Feifei has changed from Miss Mo to Feifei.

give her? Mo Feifei was slightly shocked and politely refused, "I don't need to sell dresses."

"My sister's birthday, I want to send her a courtesy, her body is similar to you, so I would like to ask you to help." Chen Xinian said with a smile.

It turned out that she had taken the skirt and entered the fitting room. She changed her clothes. She wore a water-blue skirt, her skin was white as if she was translucent, and her arms were thin and round.

The upper body material is close to the skin, and the perfect figure is outlined. A small piece of the neckline is exposed, and a little delicate skin can be seen faintly, but **** but elegant.

"It's so pretty, this suit is really suitable for you." Chen Xi'an's eyes were too straightforward, and he was uncomfortable looking at him.

"Yes, this lady has a very good figure and temperament. She is very **** and fashionable in this dress, and the material is silk, which is especially comfortable to wear." The shopping guide lady on the side said with a smile and politely. .

Could Fei Fei look in the mirror and think that this dress is really OK, but she doesn't like it.

She said with a smile: "That being the case, I think your sister should be very suitable."

Chen Xinian said, "She, really isn't suitable for you, so I'd like to give you this skirt."

Mo Feifei immediately declined: "No need, Dean Chen."

"Don't be so polite, we will be colleagues in the future. I don't need to be so clear, and I think this dress is suitable for you," Chen Xinian said particularly casually, as if it was normal for a colleague to send a skirt.

But Mo Feifei heard it, but it was not so much. It was just a colleague, how could it not be clear, let alone she was not familiar with the dean Chen.

"Just as I thank you for having invited me to dinner."

"No, please wait a moment!" Murphy directly refused, then went to the fitting room and changed his clothes.

When she was preparing to go out, she saw a man and a woman walk into the shop and stopped suddenly.

The man is handsome and unparalleled, the natural features of the exquisite features, sharp eyes, thin lips, and a strong aura of air exuded from the whole body. This man is Shang Mo.

The girl is petite and cute. She is a brand-name sportswear. She is very young. It is Shang Mo's cousin Zhu Yuyu.

"Cousin, you must have lied to me, how could brother Rong Mo be dead, you must have lied to me? Surely you didn't want me to be with Brother Rong Mo, so you lied to me like this." Zhu Yuyudu He opened his mouth and said sadly.

Shang Mo had little patience to comfort her, and it was estimated that it was necessary to come to Zhu Yuyu to buy clothes.

As soon as he entered the store, he sat in the VIP area and picked up the magazine in front of him.

Zhu Yuyu flattened her mouth, chose a skirt, and went into the dressing room on the side.

Looking at the face blocked by the magazine, Mo Feifei took the tried-on skirt and gave it to the waiter directly. Then he said nothing and went straight out.

"Fei Fei, wait for me ..." Chen Xi years hesitated, and quickly followed.

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