His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1140: Could it be Rong Mo? (10)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

However, if you make further contact, you don't know. After all, Shang Mo is so smart and observant.

Could it be that Feifei didn't want to talk more with him, just when he was looking for an excuse to leave, just then, the light in the lobby suddenly dimmed, and the light was concentrated in the place like the oval stage in front

This is the time to announce the winners.

After everyone's eyes moved, I saw a woman in a dress and skirt holding a microphone and smiling. "Hello everyone, I'm the host of this banquet, Li Meihua.

First of all, everyone is welcome to take time out of your busy schedule to attend our dinner. Below, I announce that the dinner has officially started. "

The crowd applauded, and then invited the dean to speak.

The dean came to the stage to speak a lot of scenes, announced the third and second places, and then began to announce the first place: "This designer, her work has a very unique style ..."

Mo Feifei deliberately walked to the side and opened up the distance between her monk Mo. At this moment, all her attention was on Shang Mo, her thoughts were far away, and she didn't pay attention to what the director said.

Hearing the last sentence, "Congratulations to Miss Feifei."

Mo Feifei smiled, and then stepped onto the stage. The dean gave her an award and asked her very sincerely: "Ms. Mo, would you like to stay and work in our design institute?"

Feifei nodded without hesitation: "Of course I do."

This was discussed before, and she thought that because she was willing to stay, she would be willing to give her the first place. Fortunately, both the second and third places stayed in the design institute, otherwise she would really doubt whether it was cheating.

The dean immediately said with a smile: "On behalf of our design institute, I welcome Miss Mo to join, and hope that we can make a brilliant future together!"

There was a warm applause from the audience.

When Mo Feifei was preparing to go on, he was suddenly stopped by Li Meihua.

She said directly, "To celebrate that she won the first place, Miss Mo said she would prepare a show for everyone tonight."

Could Feifei look back at her in shock, when did she say she was going to perform?

But Li Meihua always smiled at her, took the lead and applauded, and said with anticipation, "I want to know what kind of program Miss Mo will prepare for us. Singing? And dancing? Oh, maybe it's a steel pipe, haha, I'm kidding. You are wearing this today, but it's not easy to jump on the pole ... "

There was a laugh immediately below, for Li Meihua's humor.

But Murphy heard it, Li Meihua was ironing her, intentionally embarrassing her.

She glanced around, then settled on the piano on one side, and walked with a smile. She set the trophy aside and sat down and opened the lid.

Mo Feifei closed his eyes and moved his fingers on the piano.

In the days when I was with my grandmother, I saw my previous piano and played it a few times. Those rusty music scores were all familiar. I didn't want to come in handy today.

The fingertips danced briskly on the keys, the melodious sound of the piano suddenly sounded, jumping notes, beautiful and cheerful melody, and flowing performances, which made the listeners intoxicated.

The thin light sprinkled on her face, the more exquisite the facial features, the more they tasted. The green silk like ink faintly crossed her rosy lips. The whole person looked beautiful and elegant, attracting everyone's attention.

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