His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1144: Could it be Rong Mo? (14)

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If time had not been married to Lu Yanchen, he would have thought that the two were in love.

Now, this woman who looks exactly like Rong Mo also knows time.

What is her relationship with time?

Time knows two long similar people at the same time, so have you introduced Rong Mo and Mo Feifei to each other?

The phone hung up on its own.

But the next second, another phone number called again.

Shang Mo turned his head again, and Dean Chen, the man who had been following her just now, looked at the relationship very closely, and they didn't know if she was using other methods for this first prize.

art? He didn't understand this thing.

He only knew that the price of art was determined by the merchant.

Shang Mo reached out and took the mobile phone, swiped the answer button, and then asked, "Who?"

When Chen Xinian heard it, the opposite was really a man's voice. He almost crushed the cup in his hand. Tie Qing had a face on his face and asked his teeth, "Who are you?"

Shang Mo narrowed his eyes: "..."

When he was still thinking about how to answer, the opposite Chen Chennian came up with a series of questions.

"Where is Feifei, where is she and what is she doing? You ask Feifei to answer the phone! You ask her to answer the phone!"

Chen Xinian's tone was very bad. With a questioning tone, Shang Mo frowned and hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Chen Xi jumped his feet!

How dare he hang up! !! Chen Xien was so angry that he stood up and went to the rest area inside.

Looking at Chen Chennian like this, Li Meihua smiled proudly.

Having been with Chen Xinian for so long, she is still Chen Chennian. Her bones have a kind of self-nobility, looking at purity and nobility, disrespectful of fame and fortune, different confluence, and solitary self-respect. In fact, they are the same as those men. Vulgar! "

If Chen Xienian knew that Mo Feifei was the kind of casual woman, he would never be able to take care of Mo Feifei like that.

On the contrary, Mo Feifei will become a woman in his heart who can play casually.

Because of his previous admiration, he will become angry and angry, and he is polite to find a sense of superiority in Murphy.

Mo Feifei realized that he had forgotten to take his mobile phone, and he hesitated before turning back. Without seeing that there was no one on the washstand, he quickly walked over and saw that her mobile phone was still in place.

As soon as he walked out of the rest area, he saw Chen Xi walked quickly in the past, his cold eyes staring at her fiercely.

Looking at Chen Xinian who was standing in front of it, wasn't it unexpected, but he asked politely, "President Chen, what else do you do?"

Chen Xienian looked at her, as if she had penetrated her, and she had always disappeared from her gentle look. She seemed to have a sharp spine on her body, and snorted coldly: "I actually know it."

Mo Feifei: "..."

What does he know?

Looking at Mo Feifei's confused look, Chen Xinian turned his head and exhaled.

After a moment, he stabilized his emotions and looked at Mo Feifei meaningfully, "I can give you what others can give you."

Could it be unknown? So, "What?"

When Chen Xinian saw that she was still pretending, she was impatient. He emphasized again, "Fei Fei, in front of me, I don't need to pretend, and I don't need to understand too much about some words."

Mo Feifei really didn't know what he said, but found that Chen Xinian's expression became frivolous.

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