His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1158: Could it be Rong Mo? (28)

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If you can, you don't want to get in the car.

She remembers that when she first arrived at Shang's house, Shang Mo asked Dashan to call her, because she suspected that she was an illegitimate child of Shang's house, so she asked her to "talk" outside.

Talking is actually a threat, a temptation.

But he didn't want to let grandma know that when she left, she wanted to go home after the conversation.

The ones that were mainly Shang Mo made her uncomfortable.

But at that time, in order not to let grandma have any suspicion, let the painting under the mountain be invited to the car. She said it was not necessary, and made an excuse to go out and buy something.

Da Shan said that Mr. Shang did not like others to reject him.

At that moment, she thought she was in ancient times, but she met an emperor, and she did not like to refuse. She refused to refuse. Is it not the emperor's special case.

The car was quiet. After getting in the car, Shang Mo ignored her and looked out through the glass.

The air was inexplicably stagnant, and a strange atmosphere was flowing.

After the car drove for a while, Mo Feifei smiled lightly, watching Shang Mo say politely: "I was just designing, thank you Mr. Shang."

Regardless of the purpose of Shang Mo asking her to let the car, is it because she suspects that she is Rong Mo, but today, if there is no Shang Mo, she will still not work in this design institute.

But the process is absolutely not as good as it is now.

It was said that Shang Mo's eyes slowly moved to her. From top to bottom, when she saw her and waist long hair, she felt that she should wear a wig.

His eyes were slightly cold, as deep as the invisible sea, calm, but there seemed to be a storm of storms hidden inside.

"I don't like the thank you in my mouth the most. If I really want to thank you, I'll be more practical."

Mo Feifei: "..."

Why did she forget? Shang Mo's favorite is to ask others how to thank him!

Shang Mo raised his eyebrows, his eyes became somewhat unpredictable, and said, "Someone once thanked me for being fine, but never really thanked me once!"

Could Fei Fei meet his deep black pupils.

His eyes were full of irresistible feelings. As far as her familiarity with him, she knew what it might herald.

Could it be a heart that lifted up instantly.

She smiled and said haha, "Maybe he forgot, maybe he will make up later."

"Huh!" A faint word, that tone, no matter how you listened, it was endless blame.

I don't know why, but Mo Feifei felt that he was talking about himself, but now, her relationship with him ... Mo Feifei Monk, two irrelevant people, shouldn't use complaints.

She felt uncomfortable inexplicably, and her body seemed to be bound. She clasped her hands tightly, sat subconsciously, and glanced at the lazy and elegant man next to her, smiling.

She didn't want to continue this topic, she looked outside, as if she could see the road, and then Shang Mo said, "Front, the bridge passes, stop at the mall on the left ..."

Originally I wanted to add two more words of thank you, and thought of the previous conversation, I endured it again.

Shang Mo's lips evoked an arc of laughter, "Why, Miss Mo, just like that person, be a person who can only thank you?"

"Naturally, it's just that Mr. Shang didn't say how to thank him," encountering Shang Mo is the torture of life, and probably she owed his debt in the last life.

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