His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1160: Could it be Rong Mo? (30)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The car stopped under the seafood restaurant door. After getting off the bus and standing next to Shang Mo, she raised her hand to pinch her hair, and gently put it to her ears, exposing a white and beautiful neck, shiny and clean, and white if curd There is a small mole in the ear.

With the movement of the hair burst, Shang Mo had a little distance behind her, raising his eyes to just see the mole on her ear, he frowned.

There is no mole in Rong Mo's ear.

The next second, he quickly looked away.

The hotel's private rooms are quiet and elegant, antique and decorated with Chinese style wooden tables and chairs.

Mo Feifei pushed the menu in front of Shang Mo and was pushed away by Shang Mo. Mo Feifei had to pick up the menu and ask, "Mr. Shang, what do you like to eat?"

She naturally knew what Shang Mo liked to eat, but she still had to ask it intentionally.

"It's okay, come with a clam!" Shang Mo drank elegantly and looked lazy, but his gaze was very focused, not letting off the slightest expression on Mo Feifei's face.

"Okay, come with a clam," Murphy said to the waiter, without any eye contact with Shang Mo, then looked at the menu and ordered two or three more dishes.

Shang Mo squinted her eyes. She looked so calm. There was no accident. You must know that Rong Mo couldn't eat clams. As soon as she ate, she became allergic and her face became red.

When she first came to Shang's house, she didn't even know she was allergic to clams. She ate a lot, and her face became covered with red crickets that night, and it disappeared for a week.

Now so calm, he'd better take a look at it later, if she dare to eat that dish of clams.

If you eat it, will your face be red?

If Hung Hom is up, she must be Rong Mo! !!

Although this is **** ...

But if she is really Rong Mo, then all of their family members are blind, and such a beautiful and beautiful woman has no one to recognize.

"Mr. Shang ..."

Mo Feifei suddenly looked up at her, and there was a question in her light eyes, "Can you eat crabs? ... I want to have a portion, but I can't finish it alone."

Shang Mo gave her a deep look: "Okay!"

In the past, Rong Mo never ate crabs, because his body was not very good, and crabs were extremely overcast. They would never eat when they could not eat them.

Is he really wrong?

Is this really just two people who are similar in length?

After ordering dishes, did Mo Feifei pour herself a glass of water, and after a few sips, she asked, "Don't you need to ask your bodyguard to come and eat together?"

"He's not my bodyguard, but my assistant."

"Oh." Of course he knew, and he knew it.

She suddenly stood up and said sorry, "Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom."

After speaking, he nodded and left.

After a while she returned, and at this time, she had already started serving. Couldn't she concentrate on eating? She would never show up when she could not speak.

Very quiet above the dining table.

From time to time, Shang Mo always looked at it.

It's slow and elegant when eating with Rong Mo, but the appetite is different. Mo Feifei eats fast and the appetite is very small. A dish of food will only pay one or two mouthfuls, and then he drums his cheeks and says he is full.

It seemed to feel that his gaze was looking at herself. She raised her eyes and looked at him, without moving, slightly puzzled, as if asking, what is it that you look at me like this?

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