His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1166: Can't help but want to go wrong (6)

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Since it was determined that Mo Feifei was Rong Mo, Shang Mo did not sleep well for one night. In fact, more accurately, since Rong Mo “disappeared”, he could not sleep at night.

It was just that the thought was more of a depressed mood, but now there is a little excitement. The place in my heart seems to be a rabbit, and has been bouncing.

Eventually he didn't hold back, and came to the hospital for a chance encounter before deciding what to do.

Because she was too homey, she didn't need to go out, and she didn't know where to happen except for the hospital.

The moment he saw her, his heart tightened, and his whole body tightened.

He exhausted all his strength, and this suppressed the impulse and desire to embrace her.

Looking at her clear eyes, white and pink face, and red lips ... I felt that Rong Mo, who had fallen into the sea, came back.

The real, living presence at that moment made the hair on his body almost explode, almost unable to restrain the urge to hug her.

Then his heart went down, his excited fingers were shaking, but he couldn't show it.

Couldn't let her know that he had found her, otherwise she would have fled far away. It is estimated that this time he would not let him find her again. Even if it is found, it is estimated that she will escape again.

He just wants to love her well, and he doesn't want you to run away from me.

He must not show a penny until he is absolutely sure that she has affection for him, and he does not want to make another mistake by himself.

I have heard some people say that the more you love, the more timid you are, and the more you care, the more cautious you are.

It seems that there is nothing wrong.

Shang Mo didn't show any suspicion. When he heard that he had a cold, he said, "If you have a cold, drink some boiling water."

"I've been drinking." Murphy replied absently.

"How come I'm so restrained every time I see me, it's just like a good girl seeing a master bully." Shang Mo said jokingly.

This headless sentence seemed to be casual, but listening to Murphy's ears, it caused various thoughts for no reason.

After all, she knew Shang Mo. The man was young when he was shopping in a mall. The city of his heart was beyond the reach of ordinary people. Every sentence he said contained several meanings.

"Ah, Mr. Shang, you think more." When Mo Feifei talked to him, he tried to use you as much as possible to separate the two from each other.

"It seems to be me, I'll go to the doctor first." Mo Feifei said, and without waiting for Shang Mo to answer, he went to the consultation area.

At first, she was still worried that Shang Mo would follow up, but the result was not, and she never encountered Shang Mo again when she came out.

Could it have been a sigh of relief.

This time I met in the hospital, it should be just an accident.

So there should be no more intersections, if nothing unexpected happens.

But after a few days.

Mo Feifei received a bouquet of flowers, red roses imported from the Netherlands, like red roses with a sign of love, and the courier brother directly sent her to her house for her to sign.

After she received the flowers, she turned them over and over again, without a card.

Could it be strange to think who sent this flower? At first, she thought it was wrong, but she didn't want to see it on the third day of the next day ... For seven consecutive days, she received the same series of red roses.

And there are no cards and no names.

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