His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1169: Can't help but want to go wrong (9)

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She will be twenty-five after the New Year. The blind date is fine, but the aunt is older than her. Why not arrange for the aunt?

But where did she know that the old man had assigned Chihiro to Lu Yanji, how could he arrange a blind date for her again.

For her, she has been separated for many years and made up for her affection. Because she has been sleeping for so many years, she always thinks more about her and loves her more. I hope that in her lifetime, she can arrange the best life for her.

Could Feifei have called her grandmother, her grandmother and auntie agreed.

No one in her family is on her side.

Blind date, she disagree and agree.

In order to be afraid of her temporary remorse, Father Su also deliberately explained to Su Qianyu, he must dress her up.

The blind date was noon. Early in the morning, Su Qianzhen came to her and took her to pick out a set of blindfold clothes that looked intellectual and elegant.

But still with a little college style, youthful and beautiful.

Couldn't it be too tangled, or too hesitant, just go and think about it, as they say, just like an ordinary life communication, or find inspiration for design.

The waiter took Mo Feifei to the agreed box, the other party had arrived, and sat back to back.

When she entered, she immediately shouted: "Hello, I'm Murphy, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

At this time, I found out that she didn't even tell her what the man's last name was. She patronized that the man had a good family life. She was four or five years older than her, and she was very suitable for her age. She also said that she was in good condition.

Hearing her voice, the man stood up, tall, and the bright light of the box fell from his head, sketching a neat silhouette, black trousers, handsome and charming.

When he turned his head to reveal that handsome and indifferent face. Could the whole person be stunned.

It's rare that her mood has changed so much. She was stunned at this moment, then returned to her heart, and then revealed a self-confident smile, "It seems I've gone the wrong place."

It is impossible for Shang Mo to be a blind date.

She was about to leave, and just turned around, Shang Mo's voice sounded in the back: "You did not go wrong."

There must be no footsteps.

Turning his head in amazement, he saw that Shang Mo said very earnestly, "The one who is blind to you is me. Sit down."

Mo Feifei's face looked like a strong thunder.

What this man was doing, she was completely at a loss, and the inexplicable appearance suddenly became her blind date.

I really wanted to be with her, but before, at that time, she ignored the wishes of her and went straight to the strong, and said that as long as she, she must.

Unlike Mo Feifei's rapid changes in mood, Shang Mo is very calm.

Picking up the menu and ordering, she smiled and asked her: "Looking at you last time, you like crabs, but the crabs are very cold, so you still eat less."

"It's okay." Murphy's heart sank, and she really doubted it? Otherwise it's good to talk about crabs.

"What kind of dishes does Miss Mo generally like."


"Then come on light."


No matter what Shang Mo said, Mo Feifei was a simple two-character answer, and it was mechanized no matter how he heard it.

After the waiter went out, the inside of the box was very quiet until the waiter served the food. Neither of them had said a word. They were like blind dates between two strangers.

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