His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1177: Can't help but want to go wrong (17)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The room was quiet for a while. Shang Mo stood at the door of the kitchen like this, and saw that Mo Feifei cut down onion **** with concentration and conciseness, and she knew that she often did this at a glance.

However, it was estimated that I wanted to hide it, the movements in my hand became slower, and I was extremely unskilled.

The corner of Shang Mo's mouth couldn't help but laugh.

I just feel that this is so cute, I want to rub her in my arms, or arrive on the wall, enter freely, kiss her, possess her, and then solve the love addiction in my heart ...

Turning around, he went out lest he couldn't control himself.

Time turned his head subconsciously and glanced at Shang Mo's back. The color at the bottom of his eyes was particularly complicated.

The current Shang Mo is too different from the previous Shang Mo. What's more important is that he doesn't remember what happened that night, unlike concealment. When she was a man, she seemed to say it casually, a subconscious one. Kind of understanding.

And also want to pursue her.

For Rong Mo, she can be said to be a stranger.

Moreover, Shang Mo did not like blind dates, let alone give flowers to others. He has always been arrogant. If he likes a girl someday, he will definitely think that it is the prosperity of that girl. That girl should immediately hug him. Holding his thigh, then be a obedient obedient flower.

If he had done something to her, she had never thought of it.

It's almost like changing someone.

Suddenly, a strange thought flashed in her mind.

The man Shang Shang usually wears glasses and looks the same. He removes the glasses and looks like another person. His eyes are often unpredictable, sometimes cold and warm, but sometimes he seems to have a grudge.

How can a person change so much because of a pair of glasses, it can only indicate that he is pretending, or that he does change a person.

This made her think of a possibility, that is, personality split.

Shang Mo has been rumored to be abnormal in character, cloudy and uncertain, men and women take it all, or not without rumors.

Perhaps he has two personalities in his body. One is gentle and courteous, mature and stable, while the other is a wicked, cold and cold.

And one likes men and one likes women.

Coincidentally, when she was a man, she was attracted to Shang Mo's personality like a man, and became a woman, or because of another personality, this Shang Mo personality, which likes women, fell in love again. She as a woman.

This idea made Murphy's heart roll like a sea, and she couldn't be calm.

If this is true, even grandma would not know.

If it's fake and everything feels so incredible.

The brain moved rapidly for a while, without notice, and she heated her hands with hot water. She exclaimed subconsciously, and Shang Mo outside heard it and walked in immediately.

Seeing her white, slender fingertips red, he quickly walked in, holding her finger under the cold water and rushing.

His tall figure just stood behind her, and he was surrounded by the whole person, and there was a cooking table in front of him.

His breath, as if kissing her ear, her face ...

The strong hormones in the man's body were breathed and spread throughout his body. The breath that belonged to him only made him think subconsciously that night, her face had an uncontrollable fever, and the heart that was crisp and itchy was soft ... ...


PS: Changed a new book title: He and Weiguang are all down (he used his Allure to dim, to warm her like a streamer!) Does dim equal to smile and time ^ _ ^ Do you like it? Finally, I asked for a monthly pass ~~ Brother Lu said that in order to play, he was willing to warm up for everyone in the winter, and asked for a monthly pass ~~ ^ _ ^

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