His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1182: Can't help but want to go wrong (22)

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A series of Shang Mo's actions made Mo Feifei feel that there was a fog in front of him, and the whole person was a little dazzling, but he couldn't come back and couldn't see the way forward.

Everything that happened was like a black cloth covering his eyes, everything was an illusion.

Mo Feifei didn't want to stay at home and didn't want Shang Mo to knock on the door from time to time. She went to stay with her grandma for a few days, and went to spend a few days with Mr. Su.

At the end of the honeymoon, I'm going back, so I started to go home.

When she went home, she kept staring at the door to the door, and found nothing moving, and she didn't seem to go in and out all day.

Has Shang Mo moved?

If that's the case, does that mean he has given up on her?

The next night, the doorbell rang suddenly. She thought it was Shang Mo, but she was surprised when she opened the door.

She opened the door, but did not mean to let people come in.

The two looked at each other so quietly, and no one spoke.

Under the dim light in the passageway, Chang Xiaoyang's eyes looked particularly bright, bright like stars.

He didn't believe in love at first sight.

He wasn't the first to see Mo Feifei and fell in love with her. He had been taking care of her lethargic day by day for a while, without the slightest hesitation and heartbeat.

But the moment she opened her eyes, he was attracted by just one glance.

He thought that he would never forget in her life. When she and his first eye contact in his life, her eyes were so pure and charming. When she smiled slightly, she was as soft as a blooming petal. At that time He was thinking that he must protect this girl.

Originally, Su Ya asked him to dispense medicine, so that Mo Feifei forgot everything forever, it was better to have a bad brain and never remember who he was.

There are many medicines that can cause this effect ... For example, sodium chlorate has a great effect on the brain nerves, slightly harms the brain nerves, and severely causes death.

He didn't want to hurt her anymore, so he changed the medicine and wanted to slowly let her forget everything without hurting her body.

As long as she forgets everything, he promises to protect her and will not let Su Ya hurt her again.

He checked her files and knew her IQ205, but he did not expect that she was in a coma for seven years. She was so smart that she not only noticed everything, but also escaped calmly.

In fact, in the middle, he didn't doubt her, he might have seen everything through.

But he was afraid of this suspicion, afraid of knowing everything about her, knowing that he had blocked all her retreats, he would hate him, and harshly reprimand him for hypocrisy, a liar!

When he knew she had run away, he was relieved, although he was lost.

"You are so tightly packed!" At last, he had to speak out, but with a taunt in his tone, because Su Ya and Chang Xiaoyang were suspected of homicide and wounding. The police wanted him and investigated him some time ago.

"Do you want to call the police and let the police catch me?" Chang Xiaoyang looked at her indifferently, remembering when she believed that he depended on him, she smiled at her innocent smile, her eyes crooked like a crescent.

She is a clever but simple girl, maybe because she has been in a coma for seven years. She thinks too much about things like current high school students. She also stays at the age of seventeen. She seems to be a delicate girl. Flowers need to be carefully cared for in a sunny greenhouse.

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