His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1189: Can't help but want to go wrong (29)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Shang Mo clenched his fist.

Doctor, take care of her. How long have they known each other and where has she gone? When she was in a coma, she didn't disappear. She can't always fall in love with a vegetable.

and many more……


He kept staring at her, slowly sorting out what she said, wanting to understand, and a sudden sigh of relief in his heart, he asked softly, "You have thought about it, it was only once, at least he must not be with you now relationship."

"It doesn't matter if it's okay or not, what's important is that he is more special than you in my heart." This is especially because he was the first person she saw when she woke up. She paid all her dependence and trust and was finally betrayed.

The reason why she said so vaguely was that she wanted to die.

"That is to say, even if you want me to be with you, I can't agree, but I will think of other men in my heart, you are so proud, you can tolerate?"

Shang Mo: "..." Of course he couldn't stand it!

He asked coldly, "Do you love him?"

Love, of course not! But Mo Feifei did not answer.

She didn't say a word, and in Shangmo's view she acknowledged it.

Shang Mo was stabbed hard by her, and frowned frantically.

He whispered so softly, so accommodating, she still refused to be so stubborn, he had an impulse to mad.

But the girl in front of her looked at you so gently, her expression was pale, and it was so distressing that her heart was broken.

Looking into his eyes, his heart was so heavy that he had to soften his shoulders tiredly: "Maybe you think I don't know what to do ..."

"I never thought of it this way, but we are already together, why can't we give each other a chance?" He asked, his voice panicking.

Murphy said, "You make my life difficult."

"You also make my life very troubled. I was drunk that day, I did it, and I admit that I was wrong. I am not the kind of person who is irresponsible, and I hope you are responsible."

Mr. Shang has been playing tricks, and intimidation has been used.

Unfortunately, it's useless.

In the end, she could only pull it off and let her take responsibility.

Couldn't she be speechless, she was in charge of a girl?


"Actually, what do you like about me? You don't know me at all, and it is deceptive to like this kind of thing. Maybe one day you will find that I am not what you think in your heart. At that time you will be disappointed. I will ask myself why I was with me at that time. I must be blind. I will look for this woman for sure, not because of love, but impulse. "

When she finished, she looked at him with a smile, but sighed sadly and longly again.

"I didn't decide it all at once ..."

He realized that his mind was so flustered. He finally accepted that he liked a man, but found out that she was a woman.

When he thought that a good day was about to start, everyone was telling him that he had a dream last night and Rong Mo disappeared. He finally found Rong Mo and wanted to ask her how she was so ungrateful, but found He wasn't love, he did such an excessive thing to her.

When he wanted to pursue her well and restore his negative image in her heart, she said that she had a special man in her heart.

He wanted to leave and couldn't bear it.

He wanted to get closer, but he couldn't.

If he was not in love, why was he so careful.

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