His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1191: You are my love (1)

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Yes, he was reluctant.

She didn't dare to force her, for fear of driving her in a hurry, there would be no chance of recovery.

She looks weak on the outside, but strong and tough on the inside, very opinionated.

At all times, she understands her situation and knows exactly what she wants. From the beginning to the end, she maintains a different age than hers. She should be indifferent and calm. No matter what the situation is, what kind of embarrassment is going on. She seemed to be very calm and at ease.

Mild and self-disciplined, rational and transparent.

At that time, he thought that at the age of eighteen, he was such a city government. If she was really an illegitimate child of the family, he must kill her, because she would be terrible if she grew up for a few years.

He was relieved when he knew that he was not the father-in-law of his father.

Also turned her defense into appreciation ... Slowly, I don't know when it started, that appreciation became like.

He always thought that she had the same appreciation as herself, and she should also like it a little, but never thought that she had no special feelings for him.

Even, avoid him!

The reason he was careful was not to be afraid that she would avoid herself, that she would not find him.

No matter where she hid, he could always find her. He was afraid that the game of chasing me would make her bored and completely indifferent to him.

That is the most terrible.


When Shang Mo left, he was in a hurry, so he didn't notice that a black wild Yue car rushed in beside his car.

Time was sitting in the car, looking at the front entrance, a black man strode out, because without a pair of glasses, his handsome face was covered with enchantment and evil charm.

This is Shang Mo ... but Shang Mo shouldn't be an elegant and mature model, how to take off the glasses would be so demon.

She froze for a moment, thinking she was wrong.

Dingqing took another look, there was nothing wrong, it was Shang Mo.

Why is Shang Mo here?

Time frightened, and kept watching Shang Mo get on his own car, blinked, and then turned to look at Lu Yanchen in the driver's seat next to him: "Is Shang Mo who was driving away right now?"

Lu Yanchen turned to look at Shang Mo who drove and nodded: "It's him."

"Why did he show up here for my sister?" Time was surprised and confused.

My sister didn't let Rong Mo disappear. It was Lu Yanchen's help. It was impossible for Shang Mo to find out that her sister was Rong Mo. Then how did he know that her sister was here?

Or is it because Shang Mo is here because of something else and has nothing to do with her sister.

"You'll know when you ask your sister later." The two spent a month of honeymoon. Lu Yanchen had a lot of work and had to travel for two days. When he didn't want to be alone at home, he packed his clothes to Mo Feifei. Come here.

"Well, then I went in. You do n’t need to send me upstairs. You have to go to the airport. Although the time is urgent, you have to drive carefully and come to pick me up when you are busy." Just pushed the door and got out of the car.

When time knocked on the door, Mo Feifei thought that Shang Mo had returned.

She hesitated for a moment before opening the door, and she didn't know why. Suddenly she was not so heavy, but she opened the door and looked at the time standing outside. She was still happy, but it seemed to be missing something. .

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