His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1201: You are my love (11)

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Just when Mo Feifei didn't know what to do and how to solve the ambiguous and embarrassing situation, Shang Mo behind her immediately backed away after she received the documents, and opened up the distance between the two.

"You can take a good look."

Mo Feifei left after she thanked her. She returned to her bedroom, unfolding the documents, and looking at the words on the documents, but in her mind was only Shang Mo's handsome face.

What happened to myself?

Could it be that the corners of his lips were raised with tears and laughter, a little bit strange, as if a bit sweet and bitter taste came to mind, confused but confused.

Mo Feifei was very concerned about her first job. She turned over her wardrobe. It seemed that she didn't have any clothes suitable for work. She wanted to ask time to accompany her to buy some clothes.

But Time and Lu Yanchen were still not returning from grandma's house.

It happened that Su Qianji was free, but said that taking Mo Feifei to buy clothes would make her the most beautiful girl in the designer and the most powerful designer in the beautiful girl.

Mo Feifei arrived first. I found a coffee shop and other Su Qianyu. The weather was a storm and the delicate desserts were on the table. Mo Feifei was eating elegantly while swiping his mobile phone.

Today's Weibo headline has auntie again.

Yun Meng and Su Qianji collaborated on a movie. Su Qianji was a female, and Yunmeng was just a female N, which was the girl in the role played by Su Qianji.

She disclosed it intentionally or unintentionally on Weibo, saying that Su Qianyu played big names and bullied and suppressed newcomers by virtue of her predecessor status.

Online comments are polarized and stand in line.

When Su Qianyi came, she saw Mo Feifei staring at her mobile phone. She pulled her glasses slightly with her fingers, hung it on the bridge of her nose, and looked at Mo Feifei's hand. After seeing the content above, she was on the opposite side. Sit down: "I really didn't think about it, you actually watch gossip news."

Mo Feifei put away the mobile phone and smiled: "Just look at it, you are really hot, and the scandal has never been broken. But I remember that I used to scold you for a lot less, why now I feel that you have more black powder . "

"Not yet because of you."


"I had a gossip with you before, and I said you were so soft as a girl, pretending to be a man, how can you circle so many girlfriends."

"That was indeed my fault, and I apologize to you."

"Take it away, let's go and take me to choose clothes."

The two joked for a moment, then got up and left.

The clothes for work, an international brand store endorsed by Su Qianzhen is very good, she took Mo Fifi directly.

Could Feifei look at the price of the clothes: "This is too expensive."

Su Qiandang's enchanted eyes slowly stained a layer of doubt: "If I remember correctly, Lu Yanchen gave time a black card, and she gave it directly to you."

Mo Feifei replied: "It was given to me, but I also said that it would be returned to me after I found a job, and the money I had to return must be returned."

"You haven't found a job now," Su Qianyi said with a smile: "Okay, okay, don't tease you, don't forget, I am the spokesperson for this brand, I take a few clothes, yes There is no need to pay for it. When they wear a Weibo, the cost of advertising them is much more expensive than their clothes. "

When the two entered the flagship store, a salesperson immediately received it. Su Qianzhen looked at it, and picked one for Mo Feifei: "Yes, I haven't asked you yet, which company do you go to work?"

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