His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1229: Why not him and the child? (9)

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Lu Yanzhi couldn't understand. He really didn't have deep contact with Shen Yiren. When he was a kid, it was only when Lu Yanchen and Chu Mubei bullied her. As big brothers, they should educate the stinky boys and let them not bully younger sister.

He and Su Qianyi, both of them experienced life and death together. For her, he even lost his small life, but in the end did not touch her and made her fall in love with him.

Shen Yiren asked: "Why? Why do you like it? Do you need a reason to like someone?"

Lu Yanzhi: "..."

Although there is no love in the world for no reason, it doesn't really need any reason to like someone.

When the other person attracts you, like and like is a feeling, a subtle, unspeakable feeling, like is like, when you like a person, everything will become a reason, even if the other person's shortcomings, will I think I like her.

And if you don't like a person, no matter what he does, even if you wholeheartedly do it for him, it will become a burden.

"But I don't feel the same to you. In my heart, you are my sister. Try it with you, it is **** to me."

Shen Yiren was terrified by the last two thrilling words, and she stuttered: "What? Mess ... Lun ... you are not my brother."

Lu Yanzhi said very seriously and solemnly: "In my heart, you are my sister."

Shen Yiren was strangled to death, and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes: "We haven't had any blood relationship for eight lives. How can we become your sister? Being a sister does not mean that you are looking for it ..."

"More importantly, I have someone I like." Lu Yanzhi interrupted her and suddenly threw out such a sentence.

Shen Yi was suffocated by people's words, stunned in place.

Then she denied it again and immediately said in disbelief: "Impossible, if you have someone you like, why don't you marry her?"

"Like her and marry her is not in conflict." Lu Yanchi said lightly.

"Then you don't like me, and there is no conflict with my marriage." Shen Yiren took the opportunity to find out.

"It's impossible for you and me!" Lu Yanzhi's tone was calm, but it was an undiscussed tone, and his words were overbearing.

Shen Yiren looked up at the indifferent man, his eyes gliding over a variety of negative and embarrassing emotions such as frustration, frustration, anger, and sadness.

"Anyway, I don't believe you, you must have lied to me. Brother, we can have skin lovers, you have to be responsible to me." At this moment, her face is even more powerful, but her voice is obviously not enough .

"Skin of the skin?" Lu Yan held up the headache and looked at her to verify: "When did I have skin kisses with you?"

Shen Yiren said solemnly: "When I was seven years old, you held me and made me kiss your face."

Lu Yan couldn't stop crying: "I don't have pedophilia, and I'm not interested in children. At that time, I was just using you as my sister. It was a kiss of affection."

"But for me, it is either a kiss of affection or a love of affection. When you kiss, you have to be responsible. Brother, you grew up in the army from an early age. The word" responsibility "is most important. "Shen Yiren emphasized again.

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