His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1231: Why not him and the child? (11)

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The kitchen and the living room were not far apart, and it was obvious that the joyful conversation could be heard. Su Qianxuan was pouring water, and his mind flashed the words he heard when he went downstairs.

"Brother, the past things have passed and passed. I was not with you at the time. I didn't care, I didn't care at all. After I'm with you, you don't have to mess around."

Shen Yiren would say this sentence, it is obviously that the relationship between the two has qualitatively flew over, so Lu Yanzhi is to accept Shen Yiren?

Otherwise, what's the possibility of being together in the future ... That's good, Shen Yiren is much better than that Li Mengyao.

Shen Yiren's character is still good, and he likes Lu Yanzhi so much, and Shen Yiren also said earlier that if he married Lu Yanzhi, he would treat Xiaobai like his own son.

Xiaobai has a real mother, even if she is a stepmother, but better than her mother.

After thinking about it, Xiaobai probably won't pester her any more, and she feels lost somehow ...

She couldn't help turning her head to look at the living room. What the two were talking about at the moment, Shen Yi smiled softly. As for Lu Yanzhi, haha ​​~~ Anyway, handsome men and women said that they were born in pairs. Too much.

A full glass of water was put unconsciously to his mouth, and after a while he murmured and drank it.

After drinking, Su Qianji looked at the cup stupidly ... Why did she drink the water for Xiaobai herself?

She resisted the gesture of beating her forehead, poured a glass of water again, took a deep breath, and walked out with a perfect smile on her face.

When faced with the two men again, Su Qiandi had resumed as usual.

Shen Yiren immediately cast a smile on her, bright and moving.

Su Qianyi also smiled politely. The enchanting and beautiful woman smiled like a peach blossom in full bloom. Looking directly at Lu Yanzhi, he stepped upstairs.

When she couldn't hear the voice of Shen Yiren chatting with Lu Yanzhi, Su Qianyi slammed her foot. What she was doing just now, why was she laughing so much, as if she was competing with Shen Yiren.

Because Lu Yanzhi?

At this moment, she felt very mean.

The children of others ran to other people's homes to take care of herself. Seeing the pictures of love between other people and their future wives, she even had a more competitive attitude with other people's wives.

The question was who else was the man who hurt her.

She thinks she must be crazy! !!

Su Qianzheng went into the bedroom and handed the water to Xiaobai, but Xiaobai coquettishly asked her to feed. Su Qianzhen put the water to Xiaobai's mouth, but didn't feed it well ...

Shen Yiren's smile kept dangling in her mind, and she kissed me and Lu Yanzhi, frowning.

At this moment Shen Lingshuang was not at home. She and Xiaobai were upstairs again. The two were lonely men and widows below, and they didn't know if they could not help the fire.

Then, does she have to keep Xiaobai, or take Xiaobai away, lest the children see what should not be seen.

The water feeds too fast and flows from the corner of the little white mouth.

Su Qianzhang was startled, quickly removed the water cup, drew a paper towel, and wiped the water stains out: "Is the clothes wet, let me see."

"No, it's okay ..." Xiao Bai wiped his mouth subconsciously with his hand, indicating that he would still drink water.

Su Qianzhen once again fed Xiaobai water, this time carefully.

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