His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1234: Why not him and the child? (14)

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Su Qianzhang left Lu's house, the car drove fast, returned home and poured himself a glass of cold water.

She lay on her side on a soft sofa, closed her eyes, relaxed her body, and breathed slightly tiredly.

What's up with her? Why was she so scared that she didn't even know what was going on?

Is it really like Lu Yanzhi said, she cares, so jealous? ? how is this possible! !! She had nothing to do with Lu Yan. But if there is nothing left, why do you feel a little uncomfortable when you see Shen Yiren and Lu Yanzhi.

It is said that time is a good medicine, even if deep love and hatred, it will gradually fade away with time.

It's been so many years, why time hasn't made her forget her love for him, and why it still can easily affect her mood.

If you can't forget it, it's a terrible discovery.

Brow frowning unconsciously, Su Qianji changed a pose, lay on his body, buried his head in the pillow ... until the phone rang.

She picked it up and glanced at it. It was a strange phone call.

But after the phone hung up automatically, it rang again.

Su Qianyi glanced at the phone again, hesitated, and then picked it up.

"Little aunt."

Su Qianzheng's humorous voice on the other side of the phone was a little, and the familiar voice made her shout subconsciously: "Wencheng."

"Thank you, Auntie, for remembering me, my parents, my little sister, I thought you might never want to hear me again ..."

Su Wencheng was talking. Su Qianzhuang frowned slightly. When the father and mother of the time were involved in a car accident, although Su Wencheng was picked clean, it did not mean that he had no share.

After leaving office, Su Wencheng disappeared. She always thought that Su Wencheng would not dare to appear in front of them. After all, he now has no shelter. But did not expect that he actually called her directly?

What does he want to do?

"Don't you dare to call?" Su Qianyi questioned angrily and sneered: "Why, are you trying to get justice for them today?"

"Of course not, this is all their fault," Su Wencheng said in a tone, hard to hide his loss and pain, and even blame himself.

He said, "I know that no matter what I say, you wo n’t believe it, but auntie, I have really advised them many times. I said that Grandpa would not care about the so-called blood relationship, so that they do not want to hurt people. But they just don't listen, things have happened, and I can't help it. Afterwards, I thought about protecting them and hiding everything, but I also indulged them like this, in fact, it was all my fault. Sorry, aunt. "

He was wrong in this passage. In fact, he listened carefully, but pushed everything clean, and turned himself into a helpless spectator.

Su Qianyi asked tentatively, "What are you doing to me?"

With a laugh, Su Wencheng said, "I know my aunt doesn't want to see me or listen to me. I don't have to call you. I just want to ask, how is your grandpa's health?

Su Qianyi replied lightly: "It's fine ..." After a pause, she added: "No more heart attacks because of your family. The old man's body doesn't know how healthy he is."

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