His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1247: Why not him and the child? (27)

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Li Mengyao's brain buzzed, leaving only a blank space in an instant.

She was pregnant at the same time, and was born on the same day as Su Qianyi ’s son. In these years, she used her son as an excuse every time to tell Lu Yan to eat because she had saved Xiaobai and fed Xiao Bai, treat Xiaobai as his pro-son.

That's why Lu Yanzhi was willing to take Xiaobai out to have a meal with her. Today Xiaobai was unwilling to eat with her, and Lu Yanzhi immediately made an excuse.

Does he really have no feeling for her?

She trembled her lips and said gently, "Recently, I always feel that someone is following me. I'm very scared. Brother Lu, Xiaobai followed him away. Can you stay with me tonight?"

At that time, she changed Xiaobai with her son, and Lu Yan insisted on her affection, and because of saving Xiaobai, a very important figure in the organization that year, Krek escaped.

Rake hated her, and hated Lu Yanchi. Before he ran away, he could ruthlessly say that he would avenge them.

Just look at how far Su Qianzhang has escaped and still be able to live his original life.

But she couldn't. She wanted to change her name and hide her identity, for fear that the person knew who she was, and then came to her to get revenge.

"In these years, I'm really scared. I wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't for you." Li Mengyao said, looking at Lu Yanchi's eyes, slowly red.

"You don't have to worry, that person is in Cambodia now, he will not come to China, nor can we come to China." Lu Yan said blankly, "I have also let people investigate the situation about someone following you. It also sends someone to protect you secretly, which can definitely guarantee your safety. "

Thanks to Li Mengyao's cooperation in that year's mission, it was necessary to ensure her safety.

"Brother Lu, don't you want to know, why didn't I even kill myself?"

Lu Yan's eyes went cold, and it was extremely cold and heavy.

Li Mengyao fixed his eyes on his eyebrows and confessed affectionately: "Because the person who let me cooperate is you."

Lu Yan clasped his lips: "..."

"Six years ago, when you talked and drank those people who bullied me, I loved you, so I was willing to protect Su Qianyu for you, and I was willing to lead the snake out of the hole for you. After you rescued me from the magic cellar, I I fell in love with you deeply, but I knew I didn't deserve you, "said Li Mengyao, tears falling down.

She sucked her nose and continued, "I have thought about forgetting you over the years, but the heart is not beyond the control of people, I just went crazy thinking about you like you, six or seven years later, Not only did not weaken the slightest, but I love you more. I never thought I could marry you, or let you fall in love with me, I know myself ... I just hope you can be with me when you are free, even if it is just with I'll have a meal together. "

Executive Lu Yan stopped the car on the side of the road for a moment.

He turned to look at Li Mengyao and said, "You don't need to say this. I promised you that I would guarantee your safety and I would never say nothing."

A sharp tingle spread across his chest, and Li Mengyao bit his lip: "I say this, I'm not afraid you won't care about me!"

She smiled wryly: "Are you hating me right? Also, a woman like me, how could you look at me, how is it possible! In this case, why should you save me at the beginning, really let me die! "

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