His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1259: Why not him and the child? (39)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

"In the car, at six in the morning, Xiaobai opened the door."

Without sleepiness, he thought a lot in the car.

In recent years, he buried her deep in his memory, thinking that everything that happened between them would slowly disappear with time.

But the more resistant, the harder it is to forget.

She thought that she had forgotten the sky and thought she had forgotten it, but she kept haunting in his mind and never faded half of the color.

See you again, the more calm and self-sustaining you are, the more confused you will be.

Every time you face her, you can easily get out of control.

Find yourself for various reasons.

Such as drinking thirst quenches thirst, but it is like thrashing.

Su Qianwei Weiyi: "..."

He meant to tell her that after one night of thinking, he decided to marry her after careful consideration?


Because last night, she subconsciously tried to save him?

So he thinks that she likes him, and he can't bear to marry her?

are you crazy! !!

There are more women in the world who like him, and there are more women who are willing to save him.

Lu Yanzhi faintly noticed Su Qianyi's inner resistance, and he never thought he would agree when he mentioned marriage, so before she gave the answer clearly, she said, "You do n’t have to answer me now, you can think Just a moment, today I will take Xiaobai back first. "

With that said, he was leaving.

As soon as he turned around, Su Qianyu immediately noticed that the cold air pressure around his body had weakened, and he felt as if he was free and breathing easily.

She looked at the back of Lu Yanzhi and said, "No, I don't like to be a stepmother."

"Stepmother?" Lu Yanchi frowned, turning his head to look at her with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

With a serious face, Su Qianzhen said solemnly: "Xiao Bai is very cute, and I really like Xiao Bai, but no matter how much I like him, I have never thought of being his stepmother."

"Su Qianji, do you know what you're talking about?" Lu Yanzhi approached her again, a pair of cold black eyes with strange emotions.

"What?" Su Qianyi was puzzled, and began to wonder.

Lu Yanzhi has been staring closely at her face, and she hasn't noticed any other emotions on her face except for 怔 懵.

He frowned slightly, but his face did not change, and he could not see the emotions. "What about paternity test?"

Su Qianyi replied: "Lost !!"

She took a step back, he took a step forward, and behind him was the wall.

"You just lost such an important thing." Lu Yanzhi questioned her, and an alcove trapped her between him and her wall.

A strong sense of oppression struck, and Su Qiandi's brain was dizzy, and his breathing became mild: "Lu Yanzhi, what do you want to do?"

Lu Yanzhi didn't say anything. His hands were raised high. Su Qianzhen's gaze was fixed on his hand. When he saw that he suddenly waved the master, he thought he was about to hit her.

Her eyes widened again, and her heart seemed to jump out of her throat.

As the pain came, she screamed.


Lu Yanzhi sighed helplessly, "What are you doing so loud, people who don't know thought I hit you!"

Of course he didn't hit her, he just pulled two of her hair.

Su Qianyi returned to his stomach with pain, and the confusion in his eyes grew stronger: "You are ..."

Inside Lu Yanzhi's black eyes, the flowing luster was terrifying: "If you lose it, do it again."

Su Qianyi's heart was beating fiercely, but Qiao Rong was confused: "What?"

"Paternity Testing."

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