His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1265: Shock! Xiaobai is her son! (5)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

The breath that fluttered across her face made her heartbeat miss several beats. Su Qianji thought of herself, she must be a little drunk, so she felt that the embrace of her was especially warm.

She frowned, forcing herself to calm down and barely regain a little consciousness.


"Where to go?" Why does this woman like to drink so much, likes two drinks when she is happy, and two drinks when she is not happy, and then she drinks two when others are happy, and she still wants to drink two The cup is almost a drunk cat.

"Where is love rolling, let me go anyway."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, and quietly released his hand.

Su Qiandi did not expect that Lu Yanzhi would actually let go, but she has not stood still, and her body is leaning. When he released the hand that held her waist, her body lost support and could not balance. And immediately fell down.

"Ah!" She screamed again in fright, reaching for her subconsciously. It is possible to stabilize the body.

With her body hanging, she slowly opened her eyes, and found her hands clenching, Lu Yan's placket.

Lu Yanzhi glanced at her hand, then looked at her seriously, "Would you like me to get away?"

Su Qiandi's eyes widened in amazement: "..."

She was so angry that she wanted to bite, but she was afraid that Lu Yan would let go and let go and smirked twice.

Lu Yanzhi embraced her waist again, then turned around and hugged her in his arms. This posture was particularly intimate, like a couple, attached so close that he could hear the strong beating of his heart.

Su Qianzhang was a little at a loss, every nerve in the body was trembling, his head was getting heavier, and his eyes were becoming more and more blurred. There was no way to think again.

Lu Yan held her up and laid down on the sofa next to her.

Seeing him backing away, Su Qianyu closed his eyes with the trend and ignored Lu Yanzhi.

Lu Yanzhi looked at her frown, and looked uncomfortable, so she went to the kitchen and adjusted her a glass of honey water.

He gently lifted her upper body and fed the water to her lips: "Drink."

Su Qianyi opened his eyes slightly and looked at the man in front of him. His eyes were unfathomable and people couldn't guess what he was thinking, but he had an overwhelming momentum and people could only obey him. meaning.

There was a kind of rebellion in her heart, and she refused to drink: "So kindly pour me water, wouldn't it be medicine?"

"Can medicine poison you?"

"What do you mean."

"The scourge remains for millennia."

"You're a great scourge."

"Forget it, don't talk too much with drunks."

Lu Yanzhi can be sure now that someone is drunk. Every time she is drunk, she looks natural and clear-headed, but speaks and looks like a child.

Su Qiandi stared at him: "You're drunk, drunk!"

"Okay, I'm a drunk." Lu Yanzhi brought honey water to her mouth.

"I don't want to drink water."

"Then what do you want to drink, vinegar?" Lu Yan asked, actingly.

"Strangely dying, why should I drink vinegar." Su Qianyu's voice was long, displeased, "Who do you think you are, why should I drink your vinegar."

She rolled over and talked with her back to the landing.

Lu Yan clenched her lips and did not speak, and her eyes fell on her instantly. She squinted her eyes, her long eyelashes were slightly hanging, and she was quiet and beautiful.

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