His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1267: Shock! Xiaobai is her son! (7)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Incorrect intentions, right?

Now that she was so sure, he didn't need to be polite.

He owed her eight times anyway.

Lu Yan insisted and kissed her lips.

Su Qianyi trembled, and trembled unconsciously all over her body. She subconsciously wanted to push it away. The hand had just reached the chest and was held by him. The more she resisted, the deeper he kissed. There was no room for her to escape.

Such a fierce kiss made Su Qianji feel a little unsteady.

Her legs and feet were soft, and her body slipped down unconsciously. Lu Yanzhi reached out and wrapped her hands around her waist to stabilize her body.

Gradually he was no longer limited to kissing, he was hungry for more, kissing him and pressing her to the sofa next to him.

Su Qianyu was still struggling, shouting: "Let me go! Otherwise I'm Xiaobai."

"Xiao Bai has gone home." A pair of hands began to swim along her enchanting curve.

He did not continue to talk nonsense to him, pulled up his clothes, and continued to kiss ...

Feeling confused, Su Qianyi's face was flushed, and he made an uncomfortable soft hum. The whole person seemed to be in the two layers of ice and water, clamoring for extreme discomfort.

The whole body is hot, the body is extremely empty, and I want to get more and more.

Obviously she felt her intentions, and Lu Yanzhi seemed to be tormenting her because he was not satisfied with her, but he wanted to let her suffer and suffer.

Su Qianzhang stared at the man on his body, biting his lip stubbornly, forcing himself to put down the desire in his body.

But it didn't work. The man knew her body too well, and a swipe of her finger could evoke the itchiness buried in her body again.

"Lu Yanzhi, you are getting more and more naive!" Su Qianyi glared at him, his eyes were moist and slightly red, and he looked like a bullied child.

Lu Yan looked at it with a soft heart: "Uncomfortable?"

"You're less proud !!" Su Qianyi turned over and pressed directly on him,

She looked like a female demon who robbed a good family boy, and lowered her head and bit his lip fiercely.

She deliberately bit her lip, and the **** smell spilled between the teeth. Lu Yan was not angry, but she seemed to be smiling as if she could bite. She bit loose behind her, and he then Anti-Kids kissed deeply ...

Wushan Yunyu, the two must climb to the top, their depressive desires were relieved and satisfied.

It was dark and bright again, and the two went from the living room to the bedroom to the bathroom and back to the bed. They did not know how many times they did it until they were exhausted.

The dawn dawn broke into the room lazily, and Su Qianyi slowly opened his eyes, only to feel that his body was sore, uncomfortable, and extremely uncomfortable as if he had been disassembled and reassembled.

There were stings from her temples, the aftereffects of drunkenness. She closed her eyes and relieved for a while, and then she reached out and thought of holding her cell phone on the bedside table, but then felt a hard and strong chest.

Su Qianzhen suddenly sobered, opened his eyes suddenly, and saw Lu Yanzhi's Zhang Jun face.

She didn't move, a pair of phoenix eyes widened, and stared dumbly for a while, the picture in her head tumbling, turning around, and finally intertwined to stir the paste truth.

Su Qianxuan pumped at the corner of his mouth, and there was an urge to hit the wall.

The man next to him opened his eyes and looked at her drowsily, "Wake up?"

His voice sounded extraordinarily low and **** because he had just woke up.

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