His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1269: Shock! Xiaobai is her son! (9)

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Lu Yanzhi stared at her eyes and said with certainty: "Xiao Bai is your son."

Su Qianji was extremely surprised, how could this be, their son was obviously dead.

She completely took out the appraisal certificate, and finally saw the final result appraisal above, clearly showing the relationship between her and Xiaobai.

Parent-child relationships are 99,99 percent.

Shocked, Xiaobai is really her son! !! Su Qianyi couldn't believe it: "How is it possible that this identification is false? He obviously has no breath after he was born, how could he be alive, and how could I not want her if I lived."

Lu Yanzhi's expression became dignified: "What the **** are you talking about?"

Su Qiandi didn't reply to him, and he was still immersed in the shock of Xiaobai's her son.

Breathing slightly, she looked at Lu Yanzhi very seriously and seriously, and asked, "You can redo the paternity test at any time. You didn't really lie to me. Xiaobai is really my son?"

Lu Yanzhi returned her with the same earnestness: "All right, all true, Xiao Bai is your son !!"

Su Qiandi has been adjusting her breathing, she told herself to calm down first.

But she couldn't calm down.

What's even more surprising is that she didn't want to prove her mind, she felt that Lu Yanzhi would not lie to her, and she felt that Xiaobai was really her son!

Xiaobai, Xiaobai, she wants to see Xiaobai now, she wants to see her! !!

"Where is Xiaobai? Would you take me to see him?" She didn't know why, anyway, she just wanted to see Xiaobai. It seems that only when she sees Xiaobai can she really be sure that her son is still alive.

Lu Yanzhi said nothing. She felt Su Qianji's body tremble slightly.

Her shock was not disguised, nor was she emotional.

There was doubt in his heart, but he did not immediately ask, but took Su Qianyu back to Lu Zhai.

Xiaobai heard that Su Qianzhang was very happy, and immediately ran downstairs, hurriedly rushed into Su Qianzhao's arms, "Mom."

Su Qianxi was so excited that his hand holding Xiaobai was shaking.

Her heart fluttered, she pushed Xiaobai slightly, and groped her fingers for his little face. The little boy was cute and tender, exquisite and clear, and her delicate facial features could faintly see her shadow.

Especially their eyes are slightly raised Phoenix eyes.

Obviously so, but how did she feel that Xiao Bai was a child of Li Mengyao? !!

A leaf obstacle.

Even if she likes Xiaobai so much later, and even suspects that Xiaobai will be her child, it is always a kind of prayer just because she likes it.

It turned out that she didn't need to pray, and Xiao Bai was her son! !!

Xiaobai is really her son. Her son is so old, she is exquisite and cute, but she is calm and wise at an early age, and some precocious sighs to some adults.

"Xiaobai, my child!" Su Qianyi suddenly reached out and hugged Xiaobai, his name murmured in his mouth: "Xiaobai Xiaobai Xiaobai ..."

Xiaobai was startled, then turned to look at Dad with a questioning look, and seemed to be saying whether his mother was sick, or why he held him so tightly, he could hardly breathe.

But he didn't dare to say it, fearing that he would make his mother sad.

Lu Yanzhi didn't say anything. He noticed that Su Qianzhen's eyes were red. She liked Xiao Bai so much. She really didn't know that Xiao Bai was her son? !!

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