His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1276: the truth! It turns out everything is a bureau! (6)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Even if he scolds him, he will never let go. He would rather let her cry in her arms than let her laugh in the arms of others.

Especially after knowing that she still cares about him, she will not let her live happily with others.

Lu Yanzhi looked downstairs and was accompanying Xiaobai Su, Xiaobai. The mother and child were talking and laughing, their eyes slowly softened.

Fingers were on the handrails of the staircase, beating rhythmically.

After a moment, he took out his mobile phone: "Xiao Wang, go and do something for me !!!"


Xiaobai took the storybook and went to Su Qianzhang, and he scattered Xiaojiao milkily: "Mom, mom, I will tell the story of Xiaoma looking for her mother."

"You have a mother. Don't need to find a mother. I'm my mother." Su Qianyi gently stroked his face.

"I know, but Xiaoxiong didn't find her mother. I need to finish talking to find my mother."

Xiaobai hurriedly explained that his boyish childishness told the story like reading aloud: "The warm spring is here and the ice in the pond has melted. Mother Frog slept for a winter and woke up. She crawled out of the mud hole , Plunged into the pond ... "

He was talking and doing action.

Speaking of the thump, he also jumped off the sofa and made a "wow" action.

"One day, Mother Duck brought her child to the pond to play. When Xiao Xiao saw her follow her and paddled in the water, she thought of her mother, and Xiao Dai asked her mother, Mom, Mom, are you my mom? "

Su Qianzhen's eyes were red, and he smiled back and said, "I'm your mother."

Xiaobai immediately shook his head: "Mom is so stupid, this is not how the story is told ..."

Su Qianji quickly apologized: "Mom is wrong, you go on."

"Mother Duck replied, I am not your mother. Your mother has two big eyes on top of her head, and her mouth is wide and big. You should find it yourself ..."

Xiaobai kept talking vividly, dancing.

Speaking at the end, he rushed into Su Qianyi's arms: "Ah! We have found a mother! We have found a mother! Good mother, good mother, I finally found you!"

Su Qianyan burst into tears, immediately reached out and held his son tightly in his arms, whispered his throat, and murmured, "Mom is here, and Mum will always be with you, and will never leave Xiaobai again!"

She has performed many touching stories, love and friendship, but no story has touched her like now.

She wiped her tears, bent her eyes with a smile, and gently touched Xiaobai's small face: "Will Xiaobai be with her mother forever?"

Xiaobai smiled handsomely and leaned on Chihiro with a soft body: "I'm willing to be with Mom and Dad forever, Mom, when will you move in with me and Dad?"

Su Qianyi looked at him, looking down at her son's eyes.

This doesn't seem to be the first time Xiao Bai has asked this question. Last time, she only regarded herself as an outsider and didn't feel that this question had anything to do with her. Now she feels extremely heavy.

She tentatively asked: "If mom and dad can't live together for some reason ..."

"Why?" Xiaobai glared at Su Qianyu with a wide grievance, and said unpleasantly, "Other people's moms and dads live together every day, and I think my mom and dad live together every day!"


PS: Tomorrow abuse tomorrow ~ ~ New Year is refreshing, happy every day ~ ~

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