His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1281: Abuse scum! It's all her ghost! (1)

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Li Mengyao shivered and shouted to the back, seeming desperate, and startled crying!

what's the situation? Su Qian took a moment to look at Lu Yanzhi for unknown reasons. Is CosPlay? Lu Yanchi frowned slightly and asked three words coldly: "What's the matter?"

"I went out to dinner with my friends last night and sang ... I drank a lot in the box in the bar and wanted to go to the bathroom to wash my face, but someone followed me and stunned me. I just woke up and found myself being Locked in a box, what should I do? I ’m so scared. I feel like a Zarba guy. He must have come to seek revenge from me. He helped you back in revenge. He must have killed me. I ’m so scared. Words, save me, Brother Lu, save me !!! "

"Someone around you protects you, and Zarba dares not mess around unless he doesn't want to leave China." Lu Yanzhi said without any emotion, and he was inexplicably agitated.

What Su Qianyu said to him, he still remembers it as if it was just now.

Even if there is no evidence, even if you are not sure that this whole thing was done by Li Mengyao, I always feel that I can't get rid of her, because it is because of her that Chihiro misunderstood.

In the environment like that at the time, in order to protect the task and protect the action, there were a lot of words that were unsuitable to say. At the last crucial time, he was even more unsuitable to find Chihiro. He needed Li Mengyao to preach and tell Chihiro that he would They rescued together.

Therefore, it is really too simple for Li Mengyao to intentionally misunderstand in the middle.

"But I'm still scared. I feel that person is still ... save me, be sure to save me ... Ah! ... beep ..." A scream and the call was hung up.

Lu Yan gave a low curse and immediately called his subordinates,

Yu Yu, he didn't want to care about Li Mengyao's life and death, but Yu Gong, he had to manage it. If he could catch Zalba this time, it would be even better.

After making the phone call, he saw a cold smile on the corner of Su Qianzhang's mouth, his eyebrows froze, and the atmosphere that they had managed to ease just now fell to the bottom of the valley.

But how can he explain this to her?

Suddenly, as if he had made a major decision, he took Su Qianzhang out.

"Hey, Lu Yanzhi, what are you going to do? Where do you take me? I have no makeup." Su Qianyi shouted in surprise as he was about to be taken out.

"What make-up and what's better, I haven't seen you look ugly." Lu Yanchi said in a cold tone, with a bit of mockery, as if to say that ugly is not the same in my eyes.

Su Qianxu was speechless.

When she was the most embarrassed, she was unkempt and had injuries on her face. It was really ugly, but the situation was different then.

I didn't show him makeup.

She is now an entertainer. Why can't she wear makeup without going out? At least, she should apply foundation to make her complexion look even. If she is photographed, she will be blacked out and turned into a dog.

But Lu Yanzhi just didn't give her a chance, took her directly out of the house, pushed her into the co-pilot, then quickly sat in the driving position and drove forward.

After Su Qianzhang sat firmly, he looked at her with a puzzled look: "Where are you taking me?"

"Perform the mission!" Lu Yan replied. He couldn't ignore Li Mengyao, but he didn't want Su Qianzhen to misunderstand, it was the best way to bring her.

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