His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1283: Abuse scum! It's all her ghost! (3)

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Lu Yan stared at Li Mengyao. Her eyes were scared and she didn't see a lot of panic.

It seemed she didn't need to worry about anything except Zarba.

Su Qianyu, who was next to him, had been staring at Li Mengyao, but she had become more and more beautiful after seeing her for several years, and she was getting softer and softer. At the moment, she looked like Lin Daiyu after being frightened, and looked even weaker. Now, as long as a man looks at it, he will have protection.

Because of this, Lu Yanzhi has helped Li Mengyao for so many years.

What Zalba and any task she sees are false.

I really do n’t know what she wanted to do, and Su Qiandi gave a cold glance at Lu Yan.

Lu Yan's lips were tight, his face was so cold, and he had no expression. Seeing Su Qian's eyebrows twisted into a knot, she knew what she was thinking. When she spoke again, her voice was obviously a little bit heavy, "Where is Zarba?"

He turned to look at the man, his eyes were cold and fierce, and one arm of the man was twisted back by a subordinate of Lu Yanzhi.

The man had a distorted expression of pain. After a few screams, he resisted the pain and looked at Lu Yanzhi and said, "I really don't know what you say, I'm just a thief. Only when she sees a woman placing an order Think of some benefits. "

The man was in his thirties or so, and his eyes were very thief, his eyes turned around, and it looked like he was lying.

Lu Yanzhi didn't say anything, just showed a wink to his subordinates.

The subordinate froze, grabbing the man's shoulder and pulling it hard, only hearing a "click", the bone was dislocated.

Immediately, a scream of painful tears rang, and the man's facial features were distorted, and the blue tendons in his forehead burst out, causing extreme pain.

His subordinates threw him to the ground fiercely, making a loud bang, ignoring the man's weeping wolf, and coldly asking, "Where is Zarba?"

The man was rolling in pain on the ground, screaming non-stop, he didn't answer in time, saw the person who unloaded his arm, and grabbed his shoulder with his hand, and he shouted quickly: "Don't unload your arm, don't unload it. Arm! I said I said I said it! "

The scene in front of me, including these men in plain clothes, although they did not show their identity, but they can feel that they are not ordinary people, he instantly felt that things were big, he knelt down on the ground and cried, fearing to hurried all his bottom It's all explained.

"I'm really just a thief, but this time someone gave me money, a man wearing a mask hat, I can't see his face, he asked me to steal a woman's bag, and said that after stealing the bag, the bag The valuable things in it are mine, just need to let me run further! "

Lu Yan fixed his eyes and looked at the man for a few moments, then waved his hand after a while, causing people to take him down.

The subordinate nodded, holding the man's shoulder a few times, and only heard a few clicks. The bone joint that was out of position and deformed just now picked it up again under the action of strong force.

In the man's scream, the two subordinates left with the man, and only Lu Yanzhi, Su Qianyi and Li Mengyao were left in the room.

Li Mengyao's gaze carefully moved between Su Qianyu and Lu Yanzhi, then looked at Lu Yan and asked, "Are you going to let him go?"

Taking a deep look at her, as if to see her through, Lu Yanzhi said coldly: "Of course not, we still need to investigate."

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