His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1286: Abuse scum! It's all her ghost! (6)

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Su Qianyi really stayed alive. Li Mengyao was even more shameless than she imagined ... she didn't know herself at all, why she stayed and confronted them. It was absolutely unnecessary.

However, she would like to know now whether Li Mengyao did the child's affairs.

Su Qianyi clenched his fists and stared at Li Mengyao with a skeptical expression: "At that time, you asked Granny to change our children ?!"

The child she was holding had no breath. It happened that Li Mengyao gave birth to the child. Although Li Mengyao was gone at that time, the only reason and possibility that could be explained was that the child she was holding was Li Mengyao.

Li Mengyao stared in surprise, panting, staring at her with wide eyes: "I don't understand what you're talking about, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Su Qianyi's mind was surging, and the past scenes quickly came to his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he thought about the change of the child that year, except Li Mengyao, there would be no one else. No one else in this matter except you !! "

"I'm so wronged." Li Mengyao started to cry again, crying so wronged, just like June Fei Shuang.

What did Su Qianji want to say, but was stopped by Lu Yanzhi? Lu Yanzhi looked at her and said, "You go out first!"

"What?" Su Qiandi was surprised.

Isn't it right to call her over?

You said you believed her unconditionally?

Now that she hasn't questioned her clearly, she has let her go. She didn't even ask and didn't track it down. Is this called trusting her?

He also said that he had no relationship with Li Mengyao! !! Where is the liar? !!

"Lu Yanzhi !!" Su Qianbi breathed sharply, his chest undulating.

You can see her anger.

Lu Yanzhi's black eyes looked at him, his breath was casual, but his expression was suddenly covered with frost, and he said solemnly: "Wait for me outside and I will take care of things."

Su Qianzhen's eyes grew darker and tighter.

After a moment, she gave Lu Yan a stern glance, snorted coldly, and turned away.

Looking at Su Qianyu's back, Li Mengyao quickly flashed a smug smile. Lu Yanzhi couldn't completely believe Su Qianyu's words alone.

This is Lu Yanzhi turning around, and looking at Lu Yanzhi's eyes, Li Mengyao immediately softened his expression, looked at him weakly and pitifully, and said, "Brother Lu, please believe me, things are really not Chihiro That being said, I don't know why she treats me like this, you help me ask her, why is it so good to me? "

She was almost crying.

Lu Yanzhi looked at him, looking a little colder than he was just now: "Why she treats you this way, you should be very clear."

Li Mengyao said aggressively, "How would I know?"

"At that time, you found my identity. You want me to save you. I saved you because Zalba is still alive. We also changed your identity and name for you. You said that Xiaobai was your son because of thinking. I want to see Xiaobai, and I have also satisfied you. I allowed you so much, just to repay you for helping me preach the message, and for feeding Xiaobai. "

Li Mengyao was suffocated, and when she looked at Lu Yanzhi's beautiful face that made her obsessed with difficulty, she felt scared for the first time.

She took a deep breath and said, "I see. You believe what Chihiro said. No matter what she said is true or false, you only believe her. Do you think I really provoked your relationship at that time, right? ? "

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