His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1288: Abuse scum! It's all her ghost! (8)

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At this instant, she understood all at once. Everything was completely disassembled at Lu Yanzhi!

All the camouflage is no longer camouflage!

But everything is seamless, there is no evidence, how can it be dismantled.


Su Qianyu was more and more angry when she was outside. Why should she listen to Lu Yanzhi's words? She must ask if Li Mengyao had changed her son. She couldn't help but went back to make things clear.

At the door, she saw Lu Yan holding Li Mengyao's neck, and she was shocked! !!

Seeing Lu Yanzhi as if he had thrown something unimportant, Li Mengyao just dropped it on the ground.

Li Mengyao's body collapsed on the floor, her face was blue and she sucked the air, her mouth seemed to be out of breath, accompanied by a heartbreaking cough.

She sat on the ground, full of grievances and breakdowns, shouting injustice for herself: "No, it really doesn't matter to me! Why don't you believe me?"

"You don't need to plead in front of me. I'm not a judge, and my family need not be like my job. I have to find evidence to do anything!" Lu Yan sneered, his voice so cold that it made people goosebumps.

Su Qianyu stood outside the door, leaning against the wall, without looking at them, but could feel the anger inside.

So Lu Yanzhi drove her away not because he believed in Li Mengyao, but just wanted to make it clear to him.

So, Lu Yanzhi really believed her unconditionally?

At this moment, inexplicably, she felt her heartbeat speeding up ...

Li Mengyao felt that he was going to be driven crazy.

The man he loves so much does not need any evidence in the future. It only takes a word of Su Qianxun to hit her into eighteen layers of hell. How can she be willing?

"Su Qianxuan is telling lies, except I told her the person you love is me, but I do it because I love you !!!"

"I don't need your love," Lu Yanchi said coldly, "I didn't want you to love me."

Li Mengyao laughed twice, even more ugly than crying: "But if you love someone, you will naturally want to do something that is beneficial to you. Isn't that also the case? When Su Qianyi first arrived in Yingzhai, you could be safe And you took Su Qianzhen away without any effort, but you did n’t. You left her to accompany you. Later she became pregnant, did you decide to let her go? "

This sentence seemed to explode in his head. Su Qianying outside felt that the blood in his whole body began to flow backwards, and suddenly he became a messy snowflake.

She couldn't believe her eyes wide and looked forward with breath.

At the beginning, Lu Yanzhi could send her away, but he chose ...

Her eyes were flushed, her body trembled, her feet took two steps, and she turned and walked outside ...

An anger passed through the eyes, Lu Yan kicked the chair under his feet fiercely, "bang-" a loud sound, the chair was knocked down on the ground and beat several times.

Li Mengyao screamed in horror, holding his head to the corner of the wall.

Lu Yanzhi looked at him and said coldly, "Don't force your guess on me!"

His voice was very light, but with deep anger.

"Lu Yanzhi, I really love you ..."

"Your love is no different to the mud on my feet."

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