His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1294: Abuse scum! It's all her ghost! (14)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Time asked anxiously, paused, and added: "If there is something, you must tell us that everyone can come up with an idea or something."

Su Qianyu also echoed, "Yes, you have to say something."

When Mo Ge saw the two of them staring at her without blinking, as if she was observing something, she panicked and said quietly, "I'm fine, I've only been too busy lately. When I'm busy with this case, I'm fine It's okay to sleep. "

"Be sure to pay attention to sleep, don't work too late."

Time didn't keep asking, because I knew Mo Ge didn't want to say.


After the meal, Su Qiandi was going to take a taxi back, and suddenly saw a familiar figure in a certain car ...

The man saw her, too, and was slightly surprised. Then he got out of the car and walked towards her. "Chihiro, long time no see."

Su Wencheng pressed a hand on the door and greeted Chihiro with a smile. He wore a simple black suit today, looking mature, handsome, refreshing and elegant.

Su Qianyi was slightly surprised: "Why are you here?"

Su Wencheng said: "Come with friends for dinner, so do you."

Su Qianji nodded.

She and Su Wencheng grew up together. Although she was an elder, Su Wencheng took great care of her.

When she was very young, her relationship with the opposite **** was so good that the little boys liked a girl and liked bullying to express love. At that time, she was often bullied by boys in school, and Su Wencheng would be like an older brother Take care of her and protect her.

In order to help her, she also went to learn taekwondo, so that everyone who pursued her in the back was a little scared to see Su Wencheng.

During the time when she lost love, she was desperate, she lived in pain, and lost her desire to survive.

Su Wencheng paid special attention to her, and once said that if they were not related, he would let her marry him.

At that time, she was only joking, and then pretended to look at him like a monster, Su Wencheng scratched her nose and said with a smile, "Fun for you, look at your expression!"

Later, she entered the entertainment industry, and he became a political officer. Both were getting more and more busy, and then moved out of the house.

Although there is less and less time to meet, he will call her and send messages whenever he is free.

"Are you going to take a taxi? I'll send you !!!" Su Wencheng said, opening the door of the co-pilot, and gently invited Su Qianyu to sit up.

"No need." Su Qianji shook his head, but Su Wencheng insisted, pushing her halfway and pushing her into the car.

After getting in the car, Su Qianyu remembered that he had something to ask Su Wencheng, so he no longer urged to get out of the car.

The car balanced forward all the way, looking at the street lights outside.

She took a deep breath and looked at Su Wencheng and said, "Xiao Bai is my son, but I did n’t know it before. I thought my child was gone. After the wedding, I wanted to give us a paternity test. When the results were reported, Saying that I have no blood relationship with you, and the parent-child relationship is not established. But Lu Yanzhi went to verify it again, and it turned out that there is blood relationship between us, why ?! "

Su Wencheng immediately shook his head: "I don't know. I'm glad you have a son. Although I'm not his relative, I'll be nice to him."

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