His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1316: Love! Love sleeps with time! (6)

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As time went by, her brain was in a mess. She didn't know if her cousin accidentally took more sleeping pills or wanted to take sleeping pills to commit suicide?

The doctor said that fortunately, when the delivery was urgent, the fairy Luo could not save her.

Looking at the cousin who was lying on the bed, as if not moving, she felt guilty. In fact, last night, she found out that the cousin was not right. She seemed to have no trouble because of her interests.

But she was only angry, and after asking no real answer, she left in anger.

If something really happens to her cousin, she will hate herself all her life.

Mo Geng woke up soon after the rescue.

Waking up, Mo Ge has a painful head and is dizzy. She also knows that she has walked away from the gate.

Looking at the time and Mo Feifei sitting next to her, for a moment she preferred to sleep like this, because she really didn't know how to face all this.

"A hibiscus, don't think so much, just wake up."

A gentle sound suddenly sounded in my ear.

Looking at Mo Feifei, who was always gentle, Mo Ge's lips moved, and tears could not help falling down the corners of her pale face.

Her little hand was still hanging, and she was holding Mo Feifei's hand, she said sadly, "Sorry, Feifei."

Then I looked at the time next to me: "I'm sorry, time, I'm sorry ..."

The time was cold and staring quietly, Mo Ge's pale face at the moment asked displeasedly: "Cousin, what are you doing, do you think that you can kill me by swallowing sleeping pills, then you can atone for me and I will Excuse you? "

"Suicide?" Mo Ge paused for a moment. She didn't want to commit suicide. She just drank a lot of alcohol, but still couldn't fall asleep, still very painful. Then she took two tablets of sleeping pills, which was not expected to be so serious.

"I didn't want to commit suicide," she explained.

Time coldly said, "It is best not to commit suicide. If you think that you will commit suicide, you will be exchanged for my forgiveness. Then I tell you, impossible! If you commit suicide, I will not forgive you even more. . "

Mo Gin held back tears: "..."

Of course, she would not commit suicide. Her parents spent so much effort to train her, and loved her to protect her from an early age. How could she suicide their hearts and let them give them black hair.

"Last night, I saw that you had a dilemma. You told me, why did you do this? I will forgive you," Shiji held Mo's hand, "I don't want to listen to your previous reasons, it's too fake. You are not an actor. You have no acting skills. "

The tears in Mo's eyes flashed sharply, and begging eyes turned to time, "Time, you don't ask anymore, because things are ..."

"Cousin!" The time passed and she let go of Mo's hand.

If she hadn't been good to Mo Jin since she was a child, she would always take care of her, and she would definitely hit her hard and scold her.

Could Fei Fei clap her hands in time and gave her a deep look, which meant to calm her down and not to worry.

Time frustration generally softens soft shoulders.

Mo Feifei gently helped Mo Jin with his fingers and smoothed the hair on the side of his forehead: "A hibin, I know both time and time, you don't want us to know that everything is for our good, or we don't want us to worry, but have you ever thought about The unknown fear is the most terrible. We don't know what happened to you, but we are even more worried. "

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