His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1318: Love! Love sleeps with time! (8)

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Time was surprised: "But weren't you with him at the time? You said nothing ..."

Mo Ge said palely: "When I was a sophomore, it happened to be when you and Lu Yanchen were in love. At that time, you were full of Lu Yanchen, and you had very little time at home. I don't want to tell you that you will not find it."

Time frowned, remembering those years, cousin seemed to be in love, but she never paid attention.

"I didn't know he was Su Ya's brother at the time. We quietly talked for more than a year. It wasn't until a junior accident that I knew he was Su Ya's brother. I was shocked at that time, and then I thought back to The time I met him seemed to be that when Feifei first encountered violence, he added me on the Internet at that time, so we became netizens, and then my aunt and uncle had an accident, and you let me look at Feifei, that day I On the Internet, I was chatting with him. I thought he was just an unfamiliar netizen, and because I was sad, I told you about your family. I said I could n’t tell Feifei, but he said to me, true The good thing is that you can't hide Fei Fei, Fei Fei has the right to know, otherwise she will hate me after I know it. Only after I listen to him, I get brainstorm and tell Fei Fei about the accident of my uncle and aunt. No one can't stand the stimulus ... "

Mo Geng said, crying with her chest.

Time tightened tightly, his face darkened: "..."

The party concerned was more calm, and instead reached out and wiped the tears on Mo's face, comforting him: "It's all over, don't you think I'm fine now?"

Time furiously said, "That person is unreliable at first sight. Why do you still contact him afterwards ..." and fell in love with him.

She was so angry that she was going to vomit blood! !! She also regretted it very much. After she and Lu Yanchen were together, she really thought about Lu Yanchen and ignored her cousin, otherwise how could she not know that there was a poisonous snake around her? !!

Mo Gin's eyes blurred, "Because he kept telling me I was sorry, and he just suggested and did nothing. A netizen gave you a suggestion. If I don't listen to you, how can you blame that netizen, and people are not I knew everything at home. And I didn't really think about that much at the time, but at first I ignored him, but he kept looking for me for a long time, and I continued to contact him. "

Speaking, she looked at the time: "At that time, you and Lu Yanchen were in love, and I also told him, and he kept telling me that it was wrong for you to be with Lu Yanchen for revenge. If I were for you I should n’t have you together. We already met at that time. I believe him so much, so I will deliberately solicit your relationship with Lu Yanchen and cause you to break up. Junior, when I knew Su Wencheng was When Su Ya's brother, I was like an ice cellar. I thought about what happened afterwards. I suddenly felt that I lived in a lie, a trap, I was guilty, and I was very scared. I happened to be in school With a place to exchange abroad, I broke up with Su Wencheng and went abroad. "

Time gritted his teeth and asked, "What is going on now?"

"So many years have passed. I originally thought that our affairs had already passed. Some time ago, I just wanted to start a new relationship. As a result, Su Wencheng came to me ..."

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