His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1333: Love! Love sleeps with time! (twenty three)

Biquge www.wuxiaspot.com, update the latest chapters of him and Weiguang as soon as possible!

Su Qianyu saw a handsome face, with anxiety in his eyes. It was Su Wencheng. She hesitated, slightly surprised, but didn't go up immediately.

"If you can't get a car here, don't get sick." Su Wencheng said helplessly.

After he finished speaking, Su Qianji sneezed, she rubbed her nose, and then got into Su Wencheng's car.

The pouring rain washes outside the car, making a popping sound on the glass.

Su Wencheng took a dry towel and handed it to her, "Hurry up, don't catch a cold."

"Thank you." Su Qianzhen took it, wiped her hair with a towel, and took off the wet jacket. She wiped her hair and turned her head to look at Su Wencheng, "How are you here?"

"I was passing here before and saw you waiting for a car here, thinking that I couldn't get a car here, and then turned around in front, and sure enough you were still there." Su Wencheng explained.

He took a look at the sweater that was half wet on Su Qianzhen, and said, "In front of me is my apartment. Go to me and change clothes first."

"No more !!" Su Qianji shook his head: "I didn't get much wet."

The next second she refused, she sneezed again.

"A sneeze--"

She was a little embarrassed and smiled at Su Wencheng, and then the next second, a sneeze followed by a sneeze could not stop.

"Okay, just go to me. You've been to the apartment before, you've lived before, and you've got your clothes in it."

It was different before. She was his aunt at that time. There was a relationship between them. For some reason, the aunt went to the nephew's apartment for one night, but the nephew was not at home anyway. Isn't this normal?

But now, they have nothing to do with it, and she also knows that he has always had a special feeling for her ... it's even worse.

But ... Su Qiandi agreed, "Go then."

At the apartment, Su Qianyi changed her clothes and was about to leave. Su Wencheng brought her a bowl of **** soup. "Drink this to prevent it, and you won't catch a cold again."

Su Qianxuan refused: "No need, I'm fine."

"Drink," Su Wencheng gave her **** soup, unlike the gentle one just now. At the moment, he was aggressive and strong: "No kidding with his own body."

Chihiro took the **** soup and took a few sips, and the warm **** soup made her belly warm.

Su Wencheng stretched out his hand again, and tried to touch Su Qianji's forehead, but was opened next second.

"Su Wencheng." Su Wencheng whispered warning: "What are you doing?"

"I just want to see if you have a fever. After all, you have stood in the wind and rain for so long, but forget it," Su Wencheng said helplessly and retracted his hand. "My hand is too cold. Feel for yourself. "

Su Qiandi was embarrassed.

She stuttered, "No ... sorry, I just ..."

Su Wencheng tilted her head and looked at her with a smile: "I just think we have nothing to do now, and I'm still a bad person. Even if I have had feelings for more than 20 years, it may be acting. I have no use for you. Any other feeling. "

The lips moved, and Su Qian said for a while, "I didn't think so much."

Su Wencheng said lowly, "Do you remember a word that I said to you six years ago when I took you to Yunshan?"

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