His Breathtaking and Shimmering Light

Chapter 1335: Love! Love sleeps with time! (25)

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"Aren't you awake?" Su Qiandi smiled slightly, spreading his shoulders: "Are you going to live like a mess like me?"

"If you knew before that we had no blood relationship, would you be different to me? My dear ... auntie." Su Wencheng's eyes looked complex.

Su Qianxian frowned, silent.

I don't know if I don't want to answer or how to answer.

With a slight sneer, he sketched in the corner of Su Wencheng's mouth: "It seems that I shouldn't ask you this way. But Xiaoyu ... I'm always with you."

This remark has another profound meaning.

He stared at Su Qianzhang's face, his long arms stretched out, hanging in the air, reaching her face without touching, but his fingers moved slightly, his eyes fell deeply on her face, word by word: "Actually, you should know me now ..."

The phone rang suddenly.

Both of them took a moment to stun, and Su Qianyu shifted to the side the next second.

Su Wencheng lowered his eyes, and then took out his cell phone to pick it up.

He connected to the phone and didn't know what the people inside said. He frowned, then smiled at Su Qianyu, motioned for the mobile phone, and went to the bedroom to answer.

After a while he came out and said to Su Qianji, "I'm in a hurry ..."

"Oh, I'll make another call to my agent and ask if she's picked up my car ..." Then, Su Qianyu called with his mobile phone.

But for a while, no one answered the phone. Su Qiandi continued to dial, but no one answered.

Su Wencheng seemed to be very anxious. Su Qianyu looked at Su Wencheng and said, "Can I wait here for a while?"

Seeing the small eyes that Su Qianyi looked forward to, Su Wencheng agreed without hesitation. Every time those enchanting eyes looked at him softly, he always got tickled and could not help but be confused.

Su Wencheng confessed a few words, asked her to take the door when she went out, and then strode away.

Su Qianyi, who was faint and smiling, suddenly seemed to have fought a big battle, his body was tired and soft, and he covered his chest with his hands.

Only she knew how nervous she was when she entered the house.

If it hadn't been for years of acting experience, she wouldn't have been able to perform the show.

Su Qianyu stood up and went to Su Wencheng's study. As far as her knowledge of Su Wencheng, important things, he would definitely put it in the study safe.

She lived here before, so she knew nothing about the layout of the apartment.

Finding the safe in preparation, Su Qianzhen looked at the numbers in the front. Lu Yanchen told her before that the password had only three chances, and he would be locked if he failed to lose three times. Su Wencheng would naturally know everything. It won't work with this trick.

Human passwords generally use the most important days in life, such as birthdays, wedding anniversary, and so on.

For the first time, she lost Su Wencheng's birthday, not right.

The second time I lost the lucky number of Su Wencheng, it was still wrong.

What would it be If you can't think of it, then you will not lose for the time being. Lu Yanchen said that you only lose twice each time, so if you ca n’t, leave first, confirm the password and try again.

Su Qianyu stood up and was about to leave. Suddenly, she had a chance in her mind, and she walked back again, hesitating to try again.

If it's right, it can't be better.

But just in case ...

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